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This Mortal Coil

Posted on Thu Mar 5th, 2020 @ 4:44pm by Lieutenant Colonel Tragg Highmountain & Shonax Dvald & Shemaris Festlin

Mission: Mission 58: Revenge Served, the Bolian Way
Location: High Orbit - Bolarus Nine
Timeline: 0900Hrs - February 9th, 2392

High above Bolarus Nine, the orbital space looked calm, serene and peaceful but down on the planet surface in the second largest city, peace was not to be had as the local police forces along with starfleet security raided Czerka's main administration building for information relivant to their investigations into criminal activities at Czerka.

Shonax Dvald smiled as he contacted his Co-Wife who regarded him with a smile. "Shonax...Is that you?"

"Indeed.. Shemaris... Wife of mine.... and in case you were wondering. Alpha Charlie One."

"Victor Seven Echo Nine... That was the countersign."

"Yes it was." Shonax smiled. "I'm glad you remembered."

The female Bolian who was his co-wife regarded him. "So.. other then this return from the dead... What can I do for you?" she inquired with a gentle smile.

"I have come home to take over Czerka. My brother in law is dead and he gave it to my daughter who doesn't want it... I wish to take over the running of the company."

"Very well." Shemaris Festlin responded with a smile. "I would also like you to come down to my location... We must talk, hammer a few things out between us."

Shonax turned to Tragg Highmountain. "Would you mind terribly?"

"I have the beacon, taking us down." Highmountain responded with a rumble in his voice.

Several minutes later. The group of them were standing on the landing pad of the main judicial building in the Capital city as Shemaris stood, her cost billowed in the wind as she regarded her co-husband. "Shonax.. Its good to see you."

"Its good to be seen Shemaris." he responded. "Is there somewhere where we can talk... So I can start the legal process of reclaiming my company?"

"I'm surprised you'd want to claim it, after the crimes its been accused of..." Shemaris responded. "This way.." as she turned and went back into the building. Shonax turned to Highmountain. "Keep an eye on me from the Runabout... call me paranoid and prepared."

"Willdo." Highmountain responded evenly before the massive being turned away and went back to the runabout.

Shonax turned and followed his co-wife into the building. Shemaris was waiting for him, a playful smile pulling at her lips. "Will you be free for dinner tonight... my place?" Festlin smiled hopefully. "I've not seen you in too long and I wish to have you to myself for a time."

"Of course.." Shonax responded. "Sohnaxx won't mind.. She has been spoiled by me and my attention for far too long.." Shonax explained as he knew full well what she was planning, he was going to help her along with her goals. Minutes late the two entered her office. "Have a seat." as she closed the door then blinded the windows. She also tapped the com-panel at her desk. "Galjin, hold my calls please... I'm meeting with an old friend. Its important.."

"Understood." responded a male voice.

Shonax slipped off his jacket, this left his white shirt and tie as he watched his Co-wife sit across from him. "Czerka is in the middle of possibly being dismantled because of the crimes various members of her staff have been accused of." as she regarded him. "All the members of the board stand accused of some very serious crimes, not the least of which is child prostitution. Some of the information released by my co-wife is just damning." Festlin explained.

"I know..." Shonax responded. "I knew Senjin would try and murder me... He proved that by destroying my transport on the way here, killing two pilots." Shonax responded.

Festlin nodded. "Which is why you wouldn't come to me with it.."

"Yes. I'd have made you a target. It was bad enough these bastards tried to kill Siaxx.. They made a threat against Sohnaxx and you. I was left with no choice... but place bounties on their heads, keeps them guessing and running from me rather then the other way around."

"Bold Shonax... But it also might be illegal.. I will need all your documentation regarding that claim before I can go any further." Festlin regarded him as he placed a traveling suitcase onto her desk, he then supplied the pass code and it opened.

Shonax then gently slid the entire case across to her. "Everything is in there... Including my future plans for the restructuring of Czerka."

Festlin regarded the case before her as she selected two documents at random, then she began to read the plans for the restructuring. "You want two people from the judicial service and the police services to oversee your plans, to ensure there is nothing shady going on." she read aloud. "Bold. I am sure they will insist on nothing less."

"Czerka is a company thats two centuries old. I wish for it to continue but with a lot of things that are new." Shonax explained. "I wish to write a new chapter in the story of this company and with a little luck and legal help." he gave her a pointed look as he explained his goals. "I will do just that... but this company will need a serious facelift."

"Facelift, tummy tuck, boob-job... Oh its going to need the works." Festlin explained evenly.

"One job at a time.. I need to ensure the law is on my side.." Shonax explained as he produced a PADD. "This is the amount of money in question, the secret account and the likes, as you can see the money was donated by Siaxx from the company through selling of stocks and bonds... Which as company chairperson, she was legally permitted to do."

"Did Siaxx know your plans?"

"No. I asked her for a large consignment of cash that could not be easily traced... She provided me with the cash I needed for my goals... Which was to ensure I could take over as the head of Czerka without any problems from the present management."

"Yes. I remember what Shivorax did to Siaxx.." Festlin responded quietly with more then a hint of anger in her voice. "I never got him for that... He had me dead to rights.... I kept pushing and he'd have me in his bed or worse..." she now looked angry. "Why couldn't Siaxx poison him with something to make his death agonizing..?"

"Siaxx is not and never was a vindictive woman, you taught her well Shemaris."

"I didn't protect her when she needed me the most."

Shonax raised a hand. "Shemaris, no need to blame yourself for deeds not of your doing.." he explained. "Siaxx found her purpose in life and she thrives... That took a lot of hard work from her and a lot of strife too... But she endured."

Festlin sighed softly, she held her silence for a long moment before she nodded. "At least she got her revenge in the end... I stand for justice Shonax. You know this better then many... and I'm glad that Siaxx was the one to end his pathetic life.."

Shonax regarded his co-wife. "Siaxx will carry on in starfleet and she'll start her family with her wife. I'm happy that she gets to do that... I will handle Czerka."

"I will need to speak with a few people and sort things out." Festlin explained. "In the meantime however... Do you have a fixed address?"

"Not at present no." he responded. "You can call me on the runabout Saskatoon." Shonax responded. "I will still meet you at dinner at your place around nineteen hundred hours tonight and we can discuss my permanent address then."

Festlin smiled. "I look forward to it, we have a lot to talk about."

"We do. yes.." Shonax responded. "Keep the case and everything in it. I will however need it all back when you finish with it."

"Very well. I can't make the final decision about Czerka as ... Well I'm your co-wife." Festlin regarded him.

"Fair enough. I was never going to question your objectivity anyway. I know better."

"Thank you." she responded. "Come... I will walk you back to the landing pad." as she stood up, he noticed her clothing as if for the first time before she slipped her jacket back on. "It is good to see you again."

"You too Shemaris." as she came around the table to him, he had enough time to stand up before she kissed him on the lips. "Mmm..." before their lips parted. "you damned sexy man." Festlin purred at him.

"I have had no complaints from Sohnaxx.... Or from you." Shonax responded quietly. "I have been neglectful to you."

"Why.. My co-wife gave you the children you wanted and the family you desired. I couldn't give you the children you wanted.."
"I need to call my co-wife at some point... I've not heard from her in way too long.." Festlin turned before she led him out the door, back to the landing pad.


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