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All Roads Lead to Rome - Part Four

Posted on Thu Mar 5th, 2020 @ 5:03am by Lieutenant Commander Heather "Aegis" Davis & Lieutenant Kadian Paris & Director Tienn Gyce

Mission: Mission 55: The Measure of a Woman
Location: Various Locations - Earth, SOL
Timeline: 2300Hrs - January 27th, 2392

Ensign Kadian Paris smiled. "We're here Ladies..." she announced as she stretched her arms, still somewhat groggy from waking up not that long ago. "Requesting landing clearance.." she began tapping at the panel before her.

Flight Captain Heather Davis narrowed her eyes. "The water .... is too blue... Its not .. green enough..."

"Thats funny I was just thinking that it could be a little more purple.." Kadian responded from the conn. "Earth Spacedock has cleared us for approach." she explained. "I have the bacon, taking us in..." she paused. "I mean beacon." she paused. "Computer... one bacon, egg and cheese sandwhich on rye bread please?"

The meal appeared in the nearby replicator. "What... Helps me to focus."

Davis sighed softly. "Hmmm... someone with a big personality, lovely."

"Report in once you're ready," Gyce told the whole group.

Kadian Paris lifted her sandwich as she settled in to eat it. "Mmmm.." she responded.

Gyce could only shake her head and smile at Paris.

Davis regarded the gathering. "So.... When Ms Paris has finished her lunch... or is it dinner now?... or Midnight snack?"

Paris swallowed the mouthful. "Ummm guys... Its more or less Midnight where we are heading so we have a little time to consider what exactly we are doing here." the young woman explained.

"Getting proof that this is an unacceptable environment for kids," Gyce reminded Paris.

Davis nodded. "Sounds good."

Paris shifted her attention from Gyce to Davis and back to Gyce. She finished the mouthful of food as she finished the sandwich. "Mmm... Not that I already knew about... but still... the institution will likely be closed at this hour."

"We could go in now, but that might raise suspicion," Gyce suggested. "Or we could go in when it's open."

Davis paused. "We could check the local hospitals... See if anyone has reported any issues.."

"Check child abuse claims from outside sources," Gyce agreed with a big smile in Davis's direction. "Good idea."

Davis nodded as Paris regarded the group. "Okay... in the city indicated.. there are three hospitals... Shall we break them up between us?"

"I'm fine with that," Gyce agreed. "Careful with the questions you ask. Most importantly, ask about suspicious injuries they'd treated on minors. If you can get the nurses to divulge, that's easier. Doctors are far more difficult to get to talk without warrants."

Windspirit picked up her notepad, "Well I'd imagine the kids will have less issues talking to me."

Paris nodded. "Sounds good... I used to be one of these kids after all..." she paused. "Until Dad put his foot down on the subject."

Davis smiled. "We'll manage."

"We'll I'm ready whenever you guys are," Gyce noted with a yawn.

Paris finished her sandwich, as she went over and programmed the transporter. "Lets do this... so whats what location...?" she inquired. "There is Princess Royal. Hull Royal Infirmary and Cottingham General Hospital." she explained as she turned to Windspirt. "I recommend you take Cottingham General... Gyce. you and I can take the largest and Davis... I recommend you take Princess Royal... its smaller and on the east side of town."

Davis nodded. "Sounds good to me."

"All right," Gyce nodded while she rubbed her leg. "Meet back here in three hours."

Davis stepped onto the padd and she was beamed away, before Windspirt was next. Paris and Gyce were beamed down to their destination.

Paris turned as she quickly took in their surroundings. "Okay.... looks clear so far." she rumbled as she shifted her attention to Gyce. "You set skipper?"

"I am," Gyce nodded firmly as she limped onto the pad. "Beam us out."

Paris tapped the display once before she lifted her kit before joining Gyce on the transporter padd, moments later the two were beamed down to the planet.

Paris blinked her eyes as she looked around. "Looks like the right place. Shall we?" she inquired of Gyce.

"Yeah," Gyce nodded and walked through the front doors of the hospital.

Paris followed the older woman in silence, they were about the same height and mass except Paris had several advantages that she preferred to keep to herself. "Hello."

The receptionist regarded the two women. "Help ya?" she inquired bluntly.

"Yes," Gyce nodded and smiled pleasantly. "Could you point us to a pediatric nurse?"

The nurse tapped the intercom. "Nursing. could you send someone to the reception desk... I got someone who needs attention here... wants to talk to you guys.."

"Willco. We're sending someone now."

The receptionist turned back to Gyce. "They are sending someone now."

Paris raised an eyebrow. "Someone in a foul mood." she added quietly.

"You get many kids from the Kingsly Institute?" Gyce asked casually to the receptionist as she passed the woman a few slips of latanium.

The receptionist was quick to accept the money offered with a great degree of subtlety. "Oh yeah... That place is where children go to suffer." the receptionist responded quietly as she lifted a PADD before retrieving some information. "I assume you are here to... deal with the issues there?" as she handed the PADD to Gyce which read "Do not open this file here, open elsewhere."

Paris looked around as she could almost hear the nurse approaching, he or she seemed to be downright angry as he or she approached.

The receptionist regarded Gyce. "We get children from there all the time... ward seven. level four... ask for Nurse Devon Trent." she said quietly.

Gyce nodded and pulled out her expertly-forged child services badge to the approaching. "Detective Lang, Federation Child Services. May we inspect some of your juvenile care facilities?"

The Nurse growled. "I came to see what you wanted."

Paris turned her head as she smiled malevolently. "Good... Now.... please answer the detective's question."

The nurse switched to Gyce. "Sure... go get a warrant.. then we can talk."

Paris sighed softly as she shifted her attention to the nurse who suddenly stopped, he moaned softly as he did so, her eyes shone a deep malevolent crimson but only for a moment. "I think..... that will be quite enough of that... out of you."

The receptionist turned. "Wait.. whats going on.!"

"I gotta pee, outta my way." and with that the nurse turned and ran away as fast as his legs would carry him.

The receptionist sighed. "Imbeciles. They sent Drake..." she turned back to Gyce. "Head to the lifts, go to level four, come out, take your first right.. then follow that hallway all the way to the end. second to last door on the right." she explained. "Ask for nurse Trent." as she handed the two women visitors tags. "Gotta do everything myself."

Paris smiled as she nodded. "Thank you, you have been most helpful." she responded as she accepted the two tags and handed one to Gyce while she attached the second to her tunic, just under her combadge.
"Come on skipper, we should go."

Gyce nodded and followed Paris. Mostly because Paris moved faster. "You are really good as this sort of work, Miss Paris."

"I've been in a place like this... Thanks to mom and dad being unable to take me with them on assignment." the younger woman explained. "It took Dad two months to get me back.." Kadian explained. "I saw things that still give me nightmares..." she then shrugged. "Anything I can do to hurt the system... I'll do." the younger woman explained.

"Then you might be better at finding what we're here to get," Gyce spoke with high praise.

Paris glanced around while the two women talked. "We shall see sir." the younger woman responded quietly. "I hated the place I was in... staff liked to yell a lot."

"Where's the file vault? That'll quicken our search, I think," Gyce spoke quietly to Paris.

Paris considered it. "In the central spine of the hospital. It'll be protected by several access barriers designed to prohibit access.." the younger woman explained.

"Any way to get past them? Gyce asked as she began to form a plan in her head.

"Subtlety or brute force." Paris paused. "Brute force is what we want here." the younger woman.

"Hmm...." Gyce looked about to something to use as a leverage. "I don't have the legs to ram to door. Any way to use leverage?"

Paris regarded the door with her eyes as there was a sudden burning smell as the two doors made of a clearly heavy metal suddenly flew open. "When there is a will, there is a way.." Paris responded with a smile.

"What are you doing here!" a security guard suddenly snapped.

"We're detectives-" was as far as Paris got because the security guard rolled his eyes. "Shut it lady. you are trespassing."

Paris regarded him. "Now... that's no way to address a girl." she responded with a smile.

Gyce's cane hit the man in the chest hard enough to take the wind out of him. "SCIS.... We go where we please. Now get the door, or my cane hits you in another place you aren't going to like."

Paris smiled. "That works too." as the guard glared at the two women. "I'm gonna-" as Paris growled before she hauled up and uppercutted him, his eyes rolled up and he fell backwards.

Paris sighed. "I'm gonna feel that one in the morning."

"Yeah...." Gyce quickly ran into the room and pulled an uplink device from her back and stuck it on the main computer. "Watch the door. Download should take thirty."

Paris went over to the door in silence, before she knelt down, clearly settling to wait. The security guard moaned softly

Paris rose to her feet. "Hello?" she called as she swiftly grabbed him yanking him to his feet as she growled. "This is your wake up call!" as she smiled. "Aww come on.. gimme a break.."

"Sure, what would you like broken... an arm?, a leg?.... We're fresh out of broken hearts, just had a run on those recently.."

"Umm... What do you want?"

"Maybe... some information...?" Paris inquired.

The guard coughed. "Let... go of... me."

Paris sighed softly as she only tightened her grip. "Tell me something... or my superior officer will only torment you in ways I can't dream about."

"Whats she gonna do... rape me?" the guard taunted Paris

"I'll ask." Paris responded. "Detective Lang?" she addressed Gyce. "I think this guy wants you to abuse him." before she sighed then she smashed her fist into his face. "On second thought... nevermind."

"I said watch the door, not abuse the help," Gyce half-smiled as she finished the download. "All right... I think we have everything."

Paris heard someone shouting, she turned her head. "Company's coming." she said aloud. "Several people.." she added.

"Let's beam out then," Gyce nodded and tapped her combadge. "Gyce to Runabout. Two to beam out."

"Wait" Paris paused. "They aren't chasing us... they are chasing... someone else.." she commented as a teenaged child came around the corner before Paris narrowed her eyes as she peered at the person now racing down the hallway towards them. "They are chasing her!"

Paris looked around for something to use as a weapon, before she picked up a couple of pieces of debris. "Help her!"

"SCIS! DON'T MOVE!" Gyce shouted as she pulled her phaser and shot at the ground where the teen had past a half a second before. Thus creating a traffic jam. "Get behind us, Kid." Gyce then glanced over at Paris who was nearby. "Help me kidnap her."

"Kidnapping the child. Aye sir" Paris responded with dry wit as she threw a shard of debris which crashed into someone's face a moment later.

"You do not even recognize me?" came the cool, but exhausted voice of a kid Gyce knew very well. "I am you're daughter."

"K'Vom?" Gyce asked, confused to why her child was even in a hospital.

The half-Vulcan teen knocked Gyce to the ground instantly to avoid the enemy fire.

Paris let fly with her broken debris, nailing one person in the chest and hitting another in the leg, both of them went down. "Come... punks.." she said with a smile before she tapped her combadge. "Emergency. Three to beam out."

As the large mob approached, the three of them were beamed away.


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