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Point of No Return

Posted on Thu Mar 5th, 2020 @ 2:58am by Captain Marcus Duval & Captain Duval Mia & Lieutenant Commander Anthony Duval

Mission: Mission 57: The Northern Lights
Location: Various Locations - USS Dreamcrusher
Timeline: 1100Hrs - December 26th, 2391

Commander Marcus Duval regarded his twin as the two men stood wearing attire that made them look almost identical, both wore large conical hats and a set of gloves each that could deploy throwing stars in command. Both also wore simple plain attire with a large quiver of arrows tired around their belts. Marcus Duval's wife was wearing identical attire to her husband.

Marcus carried his bow on his back while Anthony carried his in his left hand. "I can hear you thinking..."

"I was just thinking of Jiao."

"She would be proud of you, brother... to see how far you've come in the last year.." Marcus smiled. "So am I... and mom and Dad too..."

"Its taken a lot of work to get here.."

"But... What of Lia Circe?" Duval Mia inquired with a soft smile on her lips.

"What about her?" Anthony evaded rather then what she had been expecting, which was an angry refusal to even consider it or discuss it.

"Well... I know she regrets what was said... what happened between you two..."

"Well I can't say much to that effect." Duval Mia smiled at her brother in law. "But I do know you two have unresolved issues between you."

"I know... but I'm not in any rush to deal with it.." Anthony sighed softly as he regarded his sister in law, while they waked Marcus finished what he was doing regarding the setting up of the program. "Program complete, you may enter when ready."

Marcus smiled. "Open." and with that the three of them went into the holodeck area where there were three targets set up. The scene was very much like the outside of a monastery.

Marcus Duval took aim with an arrow before he let fly one into the center of the target. Duval Mia followed and while she hit with her arrow, Anthony missed with his own.

"Something wrong Tony?" Marcus inquired, a gentle tone in his voice. "You okay?"

"I was... just thinking." Anthony responded quietly while he nocked another arrow before letting it fly, this one embedded itself into the target.

Duval Mia watched him, a gentle smile on her dusky features. "Well?"

"I'll go talk to her.." Anthony responded quietly. "See what she has to say on the matter."

"Alright... Thats all I ask." she responded as she regarded Tony with a smile. "When we finish here?"

"Sure... Why not.." Tony responded.

"How are things between you and Hsirr?" Marcus inquired.

"We're friends. We can't really but anything more then that, too many differences between us.." Anthony explained. "Things worked well for the first while but then things changed... As time went by since she and I met, the things that bound us together became less and less." he sighed. "I didn't see that coming... to be honest.."


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