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High Ground - Part Two

Posted on Thu Mar 5th, 2020 @ 1:55am by Division Admiral Talon Yeager & Lieutenant Commander Bud Roberts & Post Captain Harmon 'Hammer' Rabb Junior.

Mission: Mission 55: The Measure of a Woman
Location: ASFS Ryazar's Shield
Timeline: 1100Hrs - December 21st, 2391

The shuttle landed on the hanger deck spaces of the Akurian battlecrusier as if she belonged there with Commander Harmon Rabb Junior at the controls. "I told you I'd get us here... and you thought I couldn't fly anymore... Hmpth!"

Lieutenant Commander Bud Roberts smirked at that comment. "Yeah yeah... Grab your kit and lets go.. All work and no play makes me a dull boy."

"Once you finish growing up, sure..." Rabb responded. "Hey I said to your mom that I would look after you."

"Oh really now.. Well lets go then... you mother hen."

"He tasks me.... He tasks me and I will have him.." he said to nobody in particular. The two men stepped out of the shuttle as Rabb looked around. "No welcoming committee... good."

"You worry me at times... How far to the bridge?"

"Oh... about ... roughly a thousand meters... give or take.." Rabb responded. "You'll be fine... Its not like they make it hard to get around."

"Unbelievable." Roberts responded.

Rabb looked at the first Akurian he spotted. "Hello... Do you know where I can find the Commander of this fine vessel?" he inquired.

The Cheetah like Taver Leokuri Zyra looked at the two federation officers, shaking her head. "No idea, you could try looking in the command center area." She looked at the two curiously, "what are you two doing here anyway."

"We were sent here by Starfleet JAG to look into a matter of child custody. Since this is an Akurian vessel, we thought we'd start by showing the Commander of said vessel the respect that he's due."

Zyra nodded, then pointed in the direction of the door to the hangar space. "Right on the other side of the door is the ships internal tram system, it will take you by the command area."

"Thank you." Rabb responded with a smile as he and Roberts followed the instructions as their guide had indicated. Several minutes later both men walked into the command area. Rabb spotted Commodore Talon Yamaguchi sitting in a nearby chair doing something with a PADD as Rabb looked around. "Hello, I am looking for... Ryuukei.." he paused. "Did I say the name right?"

Talon Yamaguchi lowered the PADD as she regarded Rabb, then moments later recognition dawned on her, she swallowed the sudden lump that formed in her throat.

Weyai heard Ryuukei's name and looked up, "Whom is asking?"

"I'm Commander Harman Rabb Junior and this is my colleague, Lt Commander Bud Roberts. We're with the Starfleet JAG Office." he explained. "We're here to resolve a child custody issue thats come up regarding-"

"Me." Talon rose to her feet and came over. "You're here to see me."

"Yes Commodore, we are.. Unfortunately. We will not be too invasive and we'll try to keep this short and simple."

"I understand." Talon responded. "How long will this take?"

"I don't know.. As long as it needs to."

Talon sighed. "Alright..." before she turned and went back to her chair as Rabb turned back to Weyai. "We will not be around too long."

Weyai didn't really understand the issue, so she looked over at the open lounge and projected," Hey Ryuukei, your wanted."

Moments later Ryuukei came out of the lounge with Kakivi and asked, stretching," OK who wants me."

"I do." Rabb mentioned. "I am Commander Harman Rabb Junior, This is Lt Commander Bud Roberts. We're with the Starfleet JAG Corps... We're here to look into a child custody case which has been brought up.... I wanted to pay my respects as it will unfortunately interfere with the running of the Starfleet detachment assigned here."

Talon growled. "You don't know the half of it." she growled.

Rabb sighed softly, he caught the comment and so did everyone else. "I'm going to fuck up the running of your ship.."

Ryuukei gave Rabb a look, then asked casually. "Child custody issue?, you will have to forgive me, I am not familiar with those types of cases at all."

"Fair enough." Rabb responded. "I'm sorry but we have traveled far, do we have room assignments?" he inquired. "Bud, go check them out, I'm not gonna need you for this." he paused. "Find out everything you can about our allies, their legal systems and so forth.."

"I'll handle it." with that Roberts looked at Ryuukei. "Who do I see for room assignments?" he inquired.

Rabb meanwhile paused. "Okay... In the Federation, when a marriage doesn't work and if children are involved then the rights of the parents as to who gets access to the child must be determined, there are a series of questions, like career, lifestyle choices and so forth." he explained. "In this case.. both parents are serving Starfleet and as Admiral Hunt isn't interested in taking his existing children. No. This is about an Adopted child that was labeled as dangerous due to an accident that occurred when Noel was with her grandparents."

Talon raised an eyebrow as she quickly realized that this matter wasn't from Admiral Hunt, this was something else as she paused, could she get Noel back?. 'Is it possible... I could have my child back...?' she paused. 'Whatever it takes..'

Rabb added. "At present however. Noel is in foster care and I was sent here to find out if Ms Hunt-"

"Yamaguchi" Talon said to him from where she was sitting.

"Ms Yamaguchi." Rabb corrected himself. "can take over care of her daughter again."

Ryuukei scratched his head in confusion, not really fully understanding the case, so he tried his best," So basically this is an issue to determine if Talon is capable of raising a child that was labeled as dangerous."

"Yes, exactly that." Rabb responded as he handed Ryuukei a PADD. "this is all of the information in regards to Noel Yamaguchi."

Ryuukei took a look over the padd, studying it rather thoroughly, then finally answered, " Well I can kinda see the point that a human would not necessarily be suited to raise a kid from this species, however I really don't have a strong opinion on this situation, so what do you need of me anyway."

"I wanted to inform you of the particulars of this case." Rabb explained evenly. "I will be talking to a lot of people over the next few days.. about Ms Yamaguchi over there... and I'll be speaking with her and her children at length too."

Talon could feel her blood begin to boil but she couldn't touch the JAG officers otherwise she would ruin her chances, she seethed in her own rage but yet, she said nothing.

Rabb meanwhile regarded Ryuukei. "Is there a space on board that I can use for these proceedings?" he inquired.

Ryuukei shrugged," What kind of space are you asking for." He then looked at Kakivi, saying," Well, my sister could always show you around if she don't mind."

Kakivi nodded. "I don't mind, I have nothing else to do."

"A small conference style room will be great." Rabb responded with a smile. "Thank you."

"I know which one we can use," Kakivi replied as she started to head for the door. "Follow me."

Rabb followed the small being out the door and down the hall. "Thanks."


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