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Retrieving your Kitty

Posted on Mon Mar 2nd, 2020 @ 11:34pm by Lieutenant JG Rachael "Ripcord" Yamaguchi-Cullen & Fleet Captain Torilla Yamaguchi

Mission: Mission 49: The Stars Look Down
Location: Various Locations - USS Roanoke
Timeline: 1300Hrs November 11th 2391

Pufftail scratched the door curiously as the door chime went off. Wukari, heavily distracted, replied, "Enter, its open."

Cyrin Yubo opened the door and took a step in, only to find a purring Pufftail. Picking up the young feline he asked. "Hey Wukari, how are you."

Wukari came out of the bathroom, still wet from her bath, and cradling Sharra, replied. "You couldn't have come at a better time. Everyone wants my attention today."

No sooner had she finished her statement that Kuzio began to fuss. Releasing Pufftail. Cyrin went over to pay attention to Kuzio. The kit calmed down as soon as Cyrin picked him up and cradled him. Though both kits where little more than a month old, neither of them had opened their eyes yet, prompting Cyrin to ask, "So when will they open their eyes."

Wukari took a seat on the couch, "Oh at about 8 months."

Cyrin nodded, noticing that Silversides was still present and sitting on top of one of the tables. Cyrin pointed at her. "Shouldn't Rachael be picking her up soon."

Wukari nodded. "Yeah, hopefully."

Pufftail rubbed up against Cyrin's leg, while Brightspot wandered over and cooed at them both. Cyrin curled his tail into a bowl shape and set Kuzio in the middle, then Cyrin gave Brightspot a pat, while Kuzio cuddled with Cyrin's tail.

Wukari looked down at Kuzio, whom snuggled up happily in Cyrin's tail, saying. "Huh, I never thought of that one."

Cyrin shrugged, "Well I see the Kurokuri do it all the time, So i figured it work with him."

Meanwhile down the hall, the owner of one of these cats was approaching, now that Rachael was home and after the fallout of the Pineapple incident had cleared. The young pilot was off to retrieve her kitty from the person who had been looking after it for the last several months.

She was wearing her normal duty uniform as she reached her destination before she tapped the door chime, then she settled in to wait.

Silversides meowed at the door while Wukari said. "Its open, you can come in."

Rachael tapped the door release, the door slid open before she stepped forward. "Hey Wukari.." she greeted the smaller being before her as Silversides hopped off of the sofa where she was sitting and she came over to Rachael. She stopped just shy of her feet before she lifted her head and meowed loudly at her.

Rachael gently touched Silversides nose with the tip of her finger. "Do you remember me kitty?" she inquired.

The purring indicated that she did. "Wukari... Mind if I take her off of your hands?" she inquired. "Is Pufftail settling in alright?"

Wukari nodded, picking up a purring Pufftail in the process. "Yeah, he is settling in just fine, him and Brightspot do like to play a lot though."

Cyrin made the comment. "I don't know what is cuter at this point, these fluffly little Somali kitties or your kits Wuklari."

Rachael gently picked up Silversides who was clearly happy to see her.
"Thanks for taking care of her for me.... How are the little ones doing?"

"They are demanding," Wukari replied as Sharra pawed her. Kuzio fell asleep curled up with Cyrin's tail, prompting him to add. "Well, he certainly likes to cuddle with my tail."

Rachael raised an eyebrow as she knew exactly what Wukari was talking about. "Yeah. Raising children will do things to you... Don't worry... I know how that feels.. all too well. I have three at present... and they are very independent of me... Especially Saki."

Wukai looked at Rachael curiously. "Three?, I thought you only had one."

"I have one biological child... but I also am responsible for an eighteen month old boy and a ten year old girl.. Thanks to Ennis... which I don't mind of course." she shrugged. "with two other cats... and now Silversides makes three... assuming the cats get along of course."

"Your family sure likes to have a lot of animals," Wukari added," I think Torilla now has what, six cats and two dogs is it."

"That is a lot,"Cyrin added as he picked up Kuzio.

"Seven cats... and two children in addition to all the above." Rachael commented. "Well... I'd best get going... Reports to write and kitties to look after and all that." before the younger Yamaguchi turned and departed.


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