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Flash in the Pan

Posted on Mon Mar 2nd, 2020 @ 3:03am by Captain Daniel "Karass" McKnight

Mission: Mission 40: Thirty Pieces of Silver
Location: Various Locations - USS Dreamcrusher
Timeline: 1000Hrs - August 1st, 2391

Commander Daniel McKnight who answered to 'Karass' was checking the systems to ensure a smooth warp field. "So... Oriana. You never said how you like your steak?"

"That is because I have never eaten a steak before." Oriana smiled at Karass. "They are bovine, correct?"

"They are... though I tend to get quite picky with mine." he paused. "Steak is something of an acquired taste."

"Maybe you should prepare the steaks to your tastes and I will see if I enjoy the taste?" Oriana suggested.

"I could do that..." Karass responded. "but I only ever see you eating nuts or salads..." he responded. "Never any meat."

"I do eat meat." Oriana replied. "Well, used to. I'm not familiar with food stuffs of the Federation. To be honest, I really never was adventurous enough."

"Then I need to... cure that via other means." Karass responded in a dry tone. "You have been sadly neglected for far too long..."

"Well, this is a foreign culture to me." Oriana replied. "I'm just adjusting to how to live here. Some things are rather odd to me."

"Your education has been sadly neglected. We should cure that." Karass responded evenly. "I'll cook a couple of steaks tonight and we can discuss it."

"And they steaks are not any internal organs are they?" Oriana asked.

"No... just meat, sheered off from the animals muscles usually, though I prefer to replicate the steaks I use then cook them." Karass explained.

"Oh, and the replicated meat tastes close to the original food?" Oriana asked. "I know I prefer real food to replicated. Of course on a star ship that is not always an option. I know we would always try and put food in stasis to keep in fresh. It did take a lot of storage though."

"No... replicated doesn't always have the same flavor." Karass responded evenly. "However.. I don't like to kill animals needlessly when I have a replicator.." he paused. "Now if I'm stuck somewhere then that's different."

"the Tylwyth do keep livestock to slaughter." Oriana replied. "The consumption of meat was, largely, a privilege of the elite."

"Well for us... it depends from planet to planet." Karass commented with a smile. "Each species and each culture is different."

"Yes, I found that odd about the federation. Usually when a nation has this many cultures it is because one dominant culture rules over the others. What is more amazing is the somehow the Federation runs efficiently." Oriana told Karass.

"I don't know how it works at times.." Karass responded. "and I was born and raised here.." he regarded her. "My father was human and my mother is Vulcan.."

"And there was no stigma for your dual species status?" Oriana asked, a little incredulous.

"Nope." Karass responded. "Racial stigma has no meaning in the Federation. We are.. what we are."

"I've been in the Federation for a number of years now. I am impressed on how well different species live so well together." Oriana told him. "I hope your cooking skills are good."

"Well... thus far I have had no complaints." Karass answered lightly. "We shall see if you can handle my cooking."

"I'm looking forward to it." Oriana replied.


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