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Posted on Sun Mar 1st, 2020 @ 6:17pm by Fleet Captain Torilla Yamaguchi & Commodore Siaxx "Bluemoon" Dvald-Vaxx MD

Mission: Mission 35: A Greek Tragety in Three Acts
Location: Various Locations - USS Roanoke
Timeline: 8450Hrs - June 27th, 2391

Commander Torilla Yamaguchi regarded Phoenix. "Stop worrying so much. You'll be fine. Jake is outside with Shonax the cat and Dora along with the twins.... and you and I get to go to a wedding, its gonna be fine."

"I dunno...." Jill spoke nervously as she pressed her lavender silk robe. "Sometimes I think I might hurt 'er still."

Torilla merely smiled. "Well Elizabeth is watching over Siaxx for us... so I'll get you there and she'll have your intended there..."

"What if she gets cold feet? Or if I do?" Jill was sick to her stomach. "I don' think I can do that to her."

"Jill." Torilla gently rubbed her hands over Phoenix's shoulders in a soothing gesture. "If she does then we'll deal with it but you won't.... because I'll be there to help... besides... you'll be fine."

"I think I'm gonna be sick," Jill noted with a green face.

Torilla gently picked up a garbage can just in case. "Easy, take a deep breathe..." she smiled. "You two have been planning this for months, no years even... now all you gotta do is just go get married."

"What if she gets bored with me an' wants ta take on another?" Phoenix asked as she sat gently on the floor.

"Well Humans and Bolian's can't have kids together." Torilla commented. "If Siaxx wanted someone else, she would have left by now. She's not subtle and she's not gentle.... Let's face it, she works out with me in the gym and I've known her ever since Rachael was born. She was there for the twins and Saki's births... so I know my friend quite well. She's always asking me about how to deal with various things, especially how to look after children, the proper caring and feeding of same.... so I think she wants children.... I can see her coming to you for your blessing on the subject... having a Bolian impregnate her or if that fails then the artificial route..... But honestly. I don't think you have anything to worry about..." she smiled as she explained herself to Phoenix. "If she didn't want to get married, she'd tell you herself and not make others guess."

"I dunno why I'm being so silly," Jill sniffed. "I used to not be so... mushy."

Torilla regarded the other woman with a smile. "Don't worry so much. All will be well."

"You an' I don' always get along... but yer a good friend, Tory." Jill smiled.

"Well I try.... Considering you are helping me with the twins..... or is that me helping you?" she inquired. "Rachael thinks the world of you and Elizabeth told me quietly that if anyone started shit at your wedding, she'd telepathically turn them into something rather... stupid." Yamaguchi explained. "Considering how you two wouldn't even talk to each other not that long ago, I have to confess.... I am somewhat mystified as to how Elizabeth went from being your most hated enemy to your friend..." clearly Torilla was wanting an explanation.

"It is a common ground I really don' wish ta have common ground with someone on," Phoenix spoke diplomatically.

Torilla gently rubbed Jill's shoulder. "Then I will leave it alone." she commented, but the look on her face said that she knew. "in any case, come on. we need to get going,... or we're gonna be late." Torilla said softly. "This is going to be great.... you'll see."

"I'll take your word for it," Jill smiled happily.


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