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A Late Delivery from Avalon

Posted on Sun Mar 1st, 2020 @ 4:51pm by Lieutenant Commander Marie Hasti-Antilles & Commander Robert 'Robbie' Antilles

Mission: Mission 34: Between Two Fires
Location: Various Locations - USS Avalon
Timeline: 1800Hrs - June 22nd, 2391

ALieutenant Marie Hasti glared a trifle hotly at her mother. "You didn't think to tell me that my father was Paul Antilles." she snarled at the image of her mother who was on the Akira class, USS Red Castle, the older woman who shared many of Marie's looks simply sighed. "It was a one night stand Marie, I didn't think it was important."

"To you or to him?" Hasti responded angrily. "Oh, I found out, in any case, thanks to my ships Chief Medical Officer poking and prodding me.. It first I resented it but then she explained she could find out what other family I had.... since it was always you and me mom, I figured why not and then to my everlasting shame, I find out I'm related to Paul Antilles himself, the man who has a family of his own..."

"You didn't contact him.... did you?"

"Of course I did." Hasti growled. "Stop trying to make my decisions for me. Mother," Marie growled. "I went to the academy because I wanted to be my own woman... now you're making choices for me again.."

"I only wanted what was best for you."

"Sure.." Hasti responded. "When I was five or ten... not at age twenty six mom. I have a husband who worries about me with two children of my own."

"I know... How is James?"

"Oh he's fine, I know he's still angry with you for what happened last month.." Marie's cheeks still burned with shame for what her mother had done to James, she had played the overprotective motherly routine with James on duty in the Avalon's lounge, Taryn had all but threatened Marie's husband because she simply didn't trust him with her daughter, it had taken Captain Neban Hular getting involved and all but throwing Taryn Proudmoore off of his ship to sort it out but one had found out what Neban was like when he got angry, needless to say the Angry Capellan was a truly frightening sight to behold.

Marie glowered at her mother. "If you ever do that again... I will never forgive you for it.."

"I know, I know... what I did was wrong"

"No mother... you never trusted him with me, I am married, happily and I have the babies to prove it." Marie growled at her mother, the doors to her quarters opened as in walked James along with two young children, James smiled as he heard his wife's voice, she was arguing with someone. "Kids, go to your rooms and change...I'll go see to your mother."

"Daddy?" his daughter inquired. "Whats wrong?"

"No idea sweetie... go change... I'll find out." James gently shooed his daughter along, she turned to her brother, who was also her twin as the two began running. James poked his head into his wife's living area and sure enough it was Taryn.

James approached as Taryn tried apologizing to him. He raised a hand to cut her off mid-sentence. "No Taryn, you had your say, now I will have mine... You ever do that to me ever again... I'll make you regret it, I won't say how, when or what it will be.... but rest assured... you won't get near me or the kids ever again, my promise to you."

Taryn had at least enough graces to stop talking before James regarded her. "Now Taryn.... Marie and I are gonna go get ready for our dinner together... Tonight is a special occasion and I promised something special. If you please?"

"Alright..." and with that Taryn hung up by terminating the call on her end.

Marie turned to regard her husband. "Its all gone wrong with her." before she stepped into her husbands embrace

James gently held his wife in his arms. "Its okay..." he replied softly before he gently kissed her on the lips. "We'll make it right, somehow... She needs to stop being so overprotective and you, wife of mine, mother to my children... need new outlets for your rage.."

"I do?" Marie inquired.

"Yes... Make some time to get to know Robert, Kira, and well as Paul... I met Robbie as he prefers to be called... He's commanding the USS Resolute. Rachael is commanding the Midway and Kira commands the Relentless.." as he gently brushed her hair out of her eyes. "You do look a lot like the Antilles though.."

"You think I should call them?"

"What I think is not important.... what matters my dear... is what you think?" James responded with a smile. "They know of you... ever since you contacted Paul Antilles... He would have told his children of you by now..."

Marie disentangled herself from her husband, she then turned and tapped the wall monitor. "Hasti to bridge, could you contact the Resolute for me?" she inquired. "I would like to talk to her Commanding Officer, mark it as personal.."

"Willdo." came the response from the Assistant Chief who'm Marie had worked with on assignments a few times, a smile graced her lips as she thought of Sasha Zh'Theentanis, the Zhen was a simple woman who didn't fuck around with anyone for any reason, she was down to earth and blunt about it, something that Marie respected.

Suddenly the screen appeared as Captain Robert Antilles appeared before her, his dour expression brightened almost instantly. "I'm Robert Antilles, can I help you?" he inquired.

"I'm Marie Hasti, we must talk... brother" she paused. "Yes.. I am related to you as I just found out not that long ago."

"Yes. Dad mentioned your name to me and he told me to expect your call." Robbie replied, a look of amusement on his face.

"Wait... Pa-Dad told you about me?"

"Of course... Dad doesn't keep secrets from his children, he never has... He also never will... it's not in his nature... and it's not in mine, Kira's or Rachael's either... We've all heard of you... I'd like to get to know you better..."

"I'd like that too..." Marie admitted. "I wasn't expecting.."

"You were expecting to be shunned because your mother didn't tell my father about you.?" Robbie sat back as he put his feet up on his desk, clearly he was an unusual Captain, the look on Marie's face said as much.

Robbie laughed. "Marie... we Antilles thrive on being unusual and unconventional. That's not a weakness... its one of our greatest strengths... You should try it... you might like it..."

"Yes... I suspect I might." Marie slowly smiled as she fund herself liking her half brother almost instantly.

James meanwhile retreated into the next room where he began preparing dinner for the kids, he gently gathered them in the kitchen, letting their mother have some time to herself.


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