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Cruelty knows no limits

Posted on Fri Feb 28th, 2020 @ 10:44pm by Fleet Captain Torilla Yamaguchi & Director Tienn Gyce

Mission: Mission 31: The Ashes of Eden
Location: Various Locations - USS Roanoke
Timeline: 1200Hrs - April 8th, 2391

Varkon looked at Seykai, whom sat across from him at the table. Like himself Seykai was always the quiet and reserved type, But Varkon never experienced Seykai's past, and indeed, he never could truly understand what he has been through, but even so Varkon couldn't help but feel for the little kurokuri that sat across from him at the table, and like himself, Seykai preferred his peace and quiet, which due to Teval's children, didn't happen often in their quarters, so they decided to go to one of the private lounges outside the mess hall. He knew that he was one of the few people that Seykai got along with, but few could blame him for that. Though Seykai wasn't much of a conversationalist, Varkon knew that he a least preferred to be around others that he knew, especially now.

Varkon got up slowly from his chair, saying. "Well, I'm going to get our food, I'll be back in a few minutes."

Seykai nodded, and just sat in the chair, waiting for varkon to return. Within a minute he heard the door open again, and not looking at the door, said casually," That was quick."

Weber raised an eyebrow. "Who's this guy?" he inquired of the massive guy he was talking to.

Thatcher gave a cruel smile," Oh just some little girl kitty that thinks she is a boy."

Seykai looked at the two, saying, "Get lost you fat fucks."

Weber laughed. "Wow... he sings like a girl... doesn't he?"

Seykai's ears turned backwards and he hissed loudly at them, while Thatcher approached smugly, saying, oh whats the matter little girl kitty, you an angry pussy."

Seykai took a swipe at him with his claws, but thatcher stood just out of range.

Weber thought this was funny as he simply pointed and laughed.

Thatcher put his finger to his mount, as if in thought, then he grabbed Seykai's hand, squeezing hard, commenting, ," Oh wait I get it, your not a girl, your a cunt boy."

Seykai's reaction was immediate and quick, claws extended, he slashed thatcher across the face, claws digging in deep. With lighting speed he took several more slashes at thatchers face, and thatcher could only scream in pain, as he let Seykai go.

Weber, meanwhile attempted to assist Thatcher by kicking Seykai off of him, sending Seykai into the table. Weber then kicked Seykai several times int he stomach.

Varkon, whom was outside, heard the noise, and dropping the plate, moved quickly into the room.

Weber looked to varkon,. "Ohh shit..!" he turned to flee before crashing into a table.

Varkon very rarely got truly angry, but today, was an exception, in a voice so loud that it rattled the wall's, he shouted," WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU TWO THINK YOU ARE DOING."

With incredible speed he grabbed weber by the back of the collar, and proceeded to pick the fat man up, he then threw weber across the room and into the wall. Then approaching the man, he commented, "Its not so fun when it happens to you huh, Puny little human."

Weber crashed into the wall, before letting out a loud scream as he landed on the deck, the impact left him stunned.

Varkon just gave weber a nasty look for a few moments, then turned to Thatcher, and quickly noticing that Seykai was gone. A quick look around the room and he determined that Seykai was nowhere to be found. Gunther then poked his head into the room, saying," Uh, Chief, whats going on in here."

Varkon pointed to Weber and Thatcher, saying, these two where bullying seykai, I don't know what was said, but it really set him off.

Gunther approached the bleeding thatcher, saying to him," OK crewman, what did you say."

Thatcher simply moaned in pain, and gunther sighed, asked again, and got no answer. At which point he pulled out his padd, looked at the security video, and within a minute said," Thatcher here, called your little friend a cunt boy, apparently."

Varkon's fists balled in anger, prompting him to say," Get these two out of here before i Squash them like bugs."

Gunther nodded, and promptly had them both and himself beamed to sickbay, leaving a very angry brikar, whom promptly brought his fist down on the table, turning the table to splinters with a loud bang.

Sheridan heard a loud bang as he turned his head. "What is going on?" he inquired before moving into the next room. "Whats going on in here!"
he poked his head into the room, amid a pile of shattered wreckage that used to be a table or so Sheridan assumed it was. "You okay Senior Chief?" Sheridan inquired. "What happened?"

Varkon was too angry to respond, so he calmly walked past sheridan without saying a word.

Meanwhile in sickbay, Gunther turned to Siaxx whom was standing near by, saying," I have two bullies that need to be cured of their stupidity, these two where bullying a guy named seykai, and set him off, by calling him a cunt boy."

Siaxx Dvald raised an eyebrow as she regarded the massive man before her. "Under normal circumstances... I would question your statement." she responded softly.

Sokanon's claws came out as she hissed at one of the two fools, she took a swipe at one of them who screamed.

Elizabeth Yamaguchi simply smiled. "Mmmmmm.. I feel... loved.." as she mentally informed her mother and sister, in order to keep then informed as well as the fact that her mother needed to know, her grin widened.

Weber regarded her. "What are you grinning at... little girl...?"

"Oh.... Nothing... I'm going to make your skull into a pint glass..." Elizabeth grinned.

Siaxx caught it. "Does she know?"

"Oh yes... she's on her way..." Yamaguchi responded.

The door opened. "She is here..." Torilla Yamaguchi smiled as she regarded the two offenders. "So... what to do with you.... since you like abusing others..." as Siaxx looked over at Sheridan who was standing in sickbay. "Lieutenant... would you mind arresting these two...

Sheridan nodded. "I'd be delighted... Will you guys be treating them here or in the Brig?"

Siaxx raised an eyebrow. "One of my medics will tend to them when they are secured in the brig." she responded.

Sheridan nodded. "Right.." and with that he looked at Von Estling. "Chief. help me with this... we're going to haul them to the brig the hard way and... if they should so happen to trip and fall... well that's fine too."

With that, both men hauled the wounded fools away from sickbay and the crowd of vengeful female medical officers.

Both Teval and Hakaya stormed into sickbay, With Teval practically demanding, "What the hell just happened, someone mind telling me why Seykai is now hiding somewhere in the ship in a complete mental breakdown."

Yamaguchi turned her head, fury burning in her eyes. "He was abused by two fools.... they are in the Brig."

Teval gave her a look, then asked calmly, "What did they say to him."

Yamaguchi regarded him. "Among other things.... they called him a cunt boy." as a light fixture suddenly popped with a loud bang.

Hakaya's claws came out, digging into her own hands that she started bleeding, she then made a reach for her sidearm, but Teval stopped her, saying coldly," First, we find seykai, then, we deal with this."

Yamaguchi paused as a smile graced her lips. "I won't ask.... if these two... were you suddenly... disappear."

Hakaya didn't respond as she quickly turned around and walked out the door, while Teval relied simply," If you don't mind, I may need some help finding him, if that's OK with you."

"Oh course." Torilla smiled as she asked for help from Rachael as Elizabeth came over. "I'll assist as well." as she tapped her combadge. "Computer, locate Kameron Yamaguchi?"

"Lieutenant Yamaguchi is in his quarters."

"Excellent... I need to go see my husband... We'll be back in fifteen minutes." and with that she turned and departed, the com system beeped. "Yamaguchi to Commander Yamaguchi. Saki and I are on our way."

Gunther tapped his combadge, saying, "Chief Gunther to Lieutenant Gyce. We need your help in locating Commander Seykai Ferian."

"Who?" Gyce sounded back on the com with heavy confusion. "When did we get another O-5?"

Gunther wasted no time Explaining, "Officially, he is not on the ship for various reasons that I'll fill you in later. Anyway, he is a kurokuri, and he doesn't have a combadge. He has long black hair, and is shorter than the others, and has pawlike hands."

Yamaguchi smiled, she knew her daughter would be a lot longer than fifteen minutes as she stood there and listened to the explanation.

"All right. Give me two minutes to power up the bioscanners and find him," Gyce replied, with heavy beeping in the background.

Gunther nodded and waited, while in the meantime, Teval and Hakaya made little headway in trying to find Seykai, other than running across an infuriated Varkon.

"Got him. Deck 13, Jefferies Tube. Section 23-A," Gyce spoke not too long after. "Biosigns are a little erratic, but aren't life-threatening."

Yamaguchi nodded. "I guess we go track him down then???" she inquired.

Gunther nodded, then tapped his combadge," Von Estling to Commander Vakar, Commander Ferian is in Deck 13, Jefferies Tube, Section 23-A."

Meanwhile Teval and Hakaya quickly moved to that section, and soon located Seykai, whom was quietly sobbing in a corner.


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