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Its My Life

Posted on Tue Mar 17th, 2020 @ 4:29am by Lieutenant Colonel Dale James "DJ" Norris & Lieutenant Commander Anthony Duval & Commander Hsirr Duval & Lieutenant T'Pamsu "Spartan" Antilles-Yeager & Ryuujin Duval

Mission: Mission 98: Building Our New Home
Location: Duval's Quarters - USS Heart of the Tiger
Timeline: 1715Hrs - June 10th, 2393

Hsirr blinked as she separated herself from her husband before she went to the door, answering it, she found herself with the resident intelligence officer, a young Vulcan female named T'Pamsu Farlander who had been raised as if she were human. "Hey," Hsirr greeted her friend and college.

"Hey, is dinner still on?" the Vulcan female asked, a wide smile on her lips.

"Please, Anthony and I haven't started yet, we've been dealing with issues with Ryuujin." Hsirr stepped aside as she explained their recent situation.

Farlander was a lovely looking Vulcan female with a dark cocoa looking complexion, she wore her hair short and brushed off to the sides so it would keep out of her eyes. The Vulcan female entered her college's home that she shared with the ships Chief Engineer, there were items that indicated a Caitian lived here everywhere, even some of the artwork was Caitian. Farlander smiled as she sat down on the sofa as she was still in her uniform. "I apologize for arriving early."

"It's no trouble T'Pamsu, you can help us cook," Duval answered, a gentle smile on his face. "How was your office work?"

"Boring. Most of it was intercepting Tholian long distance coms traffic, Mostly the usual SIGINT stuff mostly, most of it was pretty routine stuff like colony requests and fleet deployments." Farlander explained with a smile on her face.

Duval nodded, he knew what she was talking about in regards to SIGINT, Signals intelligence which meant a lot of silence and listening for chatter, all rather boring but Duval knew how it was done, in truth he thought it was all rather boring but that was mostly because he preferred to fix things rather than watch and wait. "We would have started cooking dinner twenty minutes ago but we had an issue to sort out."

"Hey guys," Ryuujin commented as he exited his room, he was wearing a pair of blue jeans and a simple t-shirt instead of his sweatshirt and khaki pants he had been wearing earlier. "Me, I was the issue, unfortunately," he explained to the Vulcan female who regarded him with a gentle smile.

The Vulcan female nodded her head. "Yes, I heard about the incident so I called up the logs of what happened, that's when I called your father before the school could, that's why he knew about it ahead of time, the flow of information on this ship is very important, nothing happens on this ship without my knowing of it." the Vulcan explained before she gently slipped off her uniform jacket, revealing the tank top undershirt that was usual issue, however, hers had her shoulders bare.

Duval regarded her. "Are you okay?" he inquired of the Vulcan female before them all. For him, his home was about ten degrees colder than normal which meant for Farlander, it had to be freezing for her.

"I'm good, a little warm and I know you keep your quarters a little cooler than normal because of Hsirr here," The small-framed Vulcan female responded. "I am curious though, why do you suffer the coolness in here?"

"I don't suffer anything," Duval responded before Hsirr could answer. "I keep our home cool for Hsirr's benefit. She has fur and I don't so I can dress warmly. You'd be surprised at how many issues that living in a cool environment can resolve." he then added a smile at his bad joke. "everything is nice and cool. We all prefer it like that and Ryuujin can keep his accommodations as warm as he likes."

"I understand." the Vulcan suddenly smiled. "So, what's for dinner?"

"Philadelphia cheesesteaks. That was more or less my idea but for you. I will prepare a salad, how would you like it?" Duval inquired as he rose to his feet.

Farlander shrugged. "Actually, I'd like to have the cheesesteaks. I have never had it."

"Are you sure. I didn't think Vulcan's ate meat." Duval regarded her as she spoke.

"I am most certainly not the average Vulcan Anthony." the younger female answered with a gentle smile. "I am in tune with my emotions and as a result, I doubt I'll ever find a Vulcan husband." Farlander then shrugged. "I was raised by humans and they're raising me was an act of honor and kindness. I took their last name as my own for what they have done for me."

"Your service honors us T'Pamsu," Duval responded. "Come on, let's go make dinner before our last guest gets here."

"You are expecting someone else?" Farlander regarded him with that look that only Vulcans, expectant mothers, and new starship captains tended to have perfected better than anyone else.

"I am." Duval paused. "An old friend of mine, you'd like him." He then smiled.

"I would?" Farlander answered softly. "There are few who can make that claim and even fewer that I would agree with," she added.

Hsirr got up as she came over. "T'Pamsu, you and I do need to chat anyway." she turned. "Ryuujin, feel like cooking tonight?" the Caitian female inquired of the small human boy before her.

"Yeah!" the boy followed the two women into the kitchen as Duval slowly smiled to himself as he remained seated.

The doorbell beeped a moment later as Duval answered the door, as he expected he found himself face to face with DJ Norris. "Hey, come on in."

"Hey, Anthony. I'm not late am I?" Norris inquired as he walked into Duval's home that he shared with his spouse. "Wow, refreshing in here."

"Hsirr and I prefer it a little cooler, I've been considering asking the skipper to make it a little cooler shipwide," Duval answered as he went over to the replicator, he tapped four keys when he reached his destination, two drinks appeared, Duval listed both and he brought them both back over to Norris.

"Yeah bud, you should." as he accepted one of the drinks, he took a sip and found it was Duval's favored drink, orange punch. "Mmmm.. thanks."

"No worries. Still its great to see you again DJ." Duval regarded him as he sipped his own drink. "How's life treating you otherwise?"

"Without T'Mira around, it's been interesting. I know she's dating Koloth, now that the two are off at the academy." Norris explained as he sighed softly. "It's been... quiet."

"I understand. You feel at loose ends now?" Duval sat back in his chair. "I ended up dating and marrying Hsirr by chance, we met over on the Dreamcrusher when I was first assigned there, she got to meet the walking contradiction that's Lia Circe. That went down really well." Duval sighed as he sipped some more of his drink. "Lia wanted me and me alone, nobody else."

"You two never could make it work between you." Norris sighed softly. "As for me, there was never anyone who could measure up to T'Lara."

Duval raised an eyebrow. "I wouldn't be so easy to dismiss the ladies aboard the Heart of the Tiger, not if I were you old friend, there are plenty of eligible bachelorettes around who would love to know you." that was when Duval knew it was time to start the matchmaking process. "Take, for example, the young lady in the next room. You'll love her," he added with a smile.

"I will?" Norris sounded dubious. "Okay, I kinda wanna meet her, or is she decent?" Norris regarded Duval as he spoke.

"She's helping my spouse cook dinner," Duval answered in a gentle tone before he sighed.

Norris raised an eyebrow. "How many did you invite to dinner?" he inquired, curiosity in his tone.

"You, me, Hsirr, Ryuujin, and T'Pamsu Farlander," Duval answered, half expecting a protest.

"Wait, you're kidding me?" Norris responded quietly. "How did you swing that? Anthony Duval strikes again," he commented.

"No," Duval answered quietly. "I didn't bring her here for me... I wanted to broaden her horizons and I wanted you to meet someone new." Duval explained. "Hsirr wanted me to meet my crewmates so I decided the best way was with good food."

"Anthony. What are you doing?" Norris said in a quiet tone of voice.

"I am helping a friend to meet someone new, maybe making some new friends might help you DJ." he commented before he smiled. "God knows that attitude won me a spouse so I cannot complain when things go my way," Duval added.

"Anthony, do you even know what they say about Ms. Farlander among my marines?" Norris explained as he sipped the drink in his hands.

"I can guess," Duval answered, in a rather dull and flat tone.

"Yeah, all my guys want to her flat on her back, fucking her into next week," Norris told Duval what he had already guessed.

"I figured as much, crude but I expected that." Duval's answer was not s uprise but neither was Norris's revelation either while they waited.


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