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Boomer's Crusade

Posted on Thu Feb 27th, 2020 @ 12:27pm by Division Admiral Thomas Lasky & Commander Tressa Brislan-Antilles

Mission: Mission 18: Aces High
Location: Various Locations - USS Roanoke
Timeline: 1800Hrs - December 22nd, 2390

Lt Commander Tom 'Boomer' Lasky sighed softly as he was sitting at his usual table, his lady was late but considering that she was the Chief Counselor, perhaps he was just early and he was rushing. A moment later Tressa Brislan walked up behind him and slid her arms over his shoulders and down his chest, snuggling her cheek next to his as she hugged him.

"Ahh... I did not hear your approach." Lasky regarded Tressa with a smile. "Did you need to shoot anyone today?"

She laughed as she took the seat next to him. "My day wasn't that bad, and I certainly hope yours wasn't!"

"These pilots drive me up one bulkhead and down the other." he admitted. "Half of them are washouts and screwups.." he admitted.

"They must have something going for them, else why would they be in Starfleet?" she asked, picking up a menu. "Have you ordered anything yet?"

"No... not yet." Boomer commented softly. "I wanted a moment to calm down.... I seem to be spending a lot of my time in a state of pissed off."

Tressa slipped her hand into his and gave it a gentle squeeze. "Anything I can do?" she asked, concerned.

"I will ask you to buy back my soul." Boomer regarded her. "Ahh enough about my shitty day.... they are all shitty days these days... I just started the chapter paperwork to get one of my pilots tossed out of Starfleet because he killed his squadron commander in a simulated exercise between Third and First Squadrons."

"Oh my goodness, that is serious... can he just be reassigned?"

"Nope... he's an arrogant hothead who has no problems threatening people who are higher ranked then he is.."

"I see why you'd want him gone."

"Yeah...." Boomer sighed. "I honestly think this assignment is testing me in ways I had never imagined." he sighed as he picked up a menu. "I need something heavy..."

"I've scarcely had time to settle in myself, this ship has kept me very busy," Tressa said, glancing over the menu. "The roast targ with Terran vegetables looks good, but I think I'll have the seared chicken on brioche. I'm craving something... buttery..." she added.

"I'll have the rank of ribs with extra BBQ sauce. Extra fries and more BBQ sauce.... with a pint of coke cola." he commented. "for the calories.." he paused. "I need Phoenix back on duty RFN."

"So you want me to sell out my professionalism and put an emotionally unstable psychologically damaged woman back on duty where she can do further harm?" Tressa asked without looking up from her menu.

"Is she more unstable then me?" Boomer inquired. "Considering my track record is actually worse then hers is, nobody actually bothers to care about the fact that I'm in permanent state of pissed off.... and besides... this senior staff is all insane..."

"Insane... that is not an accurate or appropriate word. what makes you think everyone is insane..." she asked, cocking her head.

"Tressa... I know all of this because its my job to watch everything."
he then smiled. "Siaxx is also crazy but she hides it quite well... you ever seen her lose her temper Tressa?" he looked at the smaller woman. "Seriously... you should go watch her carefully, then say something stupid to her... then watch the fireworks.... oh yes.. she has a case of angry Bolian woman syndrome going... Phoenix keeps her sane..."

"Having a temper doesn't make a person unstable, I have a temper, Tom. I'll say hurtful things, maybe storm out of the room. Phoenix has manic episodes wherein she beats someone... there's a difference."

"Seriously... you're almost fixated on Phoenix... there are others who are just as insane... if not more so...Phoenix is just the most obvious about it." he raised an eyebrow. "I hear all... I trust nothing."

"She's my patient! She picked a fight with a woman who was doing nothing offensive, saying nothing offensive, merely because this woman is Cardassian!"

"Tressa... you're fixated on one person... this entire crew is in the same boat as her... I should know.."

The counselor sighed, dropping her menu on her lap.

"You know Tom, I'm the insane one," she said wearily. "Everyone else asks me 'Why is Phoenix still grounded?' when I keep asking 'How did she get into Starfleet with such deep psychological and emotional damage?' And the really insane part? My opinion doesn't matter anyway. She's dating the CMO. Don't you think I know that Siaxx will release her despite my final report?" Her dark eyes watched him intently. "So no worries Tom, you will have your pilot. I don't know at what cost, or how much innocent blood, but you will have her." She lifted the menu from her lap and put it onto the table. "Forgive me, I've lost my appetite."

Boomer rose to his feet. "So did I..." as he looked down at her. "There is no such thing as innocent in Starfighter Command..." he paused before adding. "I need her back to help me sort this wing out...I have one Wing Commander down with injuries and Phoenix... and I'm losing my godammed mind with the shit thats going on... Phoenix isn't the rage case..... I am." as he turned and walked out of the lounge.


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