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Wise Words, Polonius

Posted on Thu Feb 27th, 2020 @ 11:24am by Commander Tressa Brislan-Antilles

Mission: Mission 17: The Drug-Dimmed Tide
Location: Various Locations - USS Roanoke
Timeline: 1300Hrs - December 18th, 2390

Tressa Brislan pulled up the medical record for Lieutenant Colonel Jillian Sullivan. It read like a first-responder's textbook; multiple bone breaks, contusions, burns, concussions. She accessed Phoenix' Service Record and read it in conjunction with the Med file... prison, fights, honors. She closed her eyes for a moment and returned to the memory of her first meeting with Phoenix, when Tressa was CMO on a Starbase far, far away... Phoenix stumbled into her Sickbay with a broken pelvis and crushed urethra, suffering from an interspecies sexually transmitted disease and decades of nerve-searing poison in her blood. Their first meeting had been rough; Phoenix' diagnosis scared her and she lashed out, Tressa took the threat seriously and medically paralyzed her. In the hours that she had the pilot under her control Tressa had given her the strongest therapy that she dared, because she didn't think she would see her in her Sickbay again.

Tressa had spent the night in the chair next to Phoenix' bed as the chelation therapy cleansed her blood. She half expected Phoenix to attack her when she awakened and the reality was scarcely warmer. But their relationship had indeed warmed; for her part Tressa loved Phoenix and was still, after all this time, trying desperately to reach her.

She sighed with the futility of her task. No one wants to read this, those who do will not heed it, and I will likely be vilified for it. The easy solution is to clear her completely, to lie, to tell them what they all want to hear. She smiled wryly to herself. Since when have I taken the easy way? To thine own self be true... Then Tressa began to type...


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