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Issues and Misunderstandings - Part Two

Posted on Sun Feb 23rd, 2020 @ 7:07pm by Fleet Captain Torilla Yamaguchi

Mission: Mission 2: Casino Royale
Location: Various Locations - Starbase 400 / USS Kearsarge
Timeline: 1400Hrs - July 5th, 2388

Tressa approached to board as Colonel Hurd arrested the Ensign. "Am I late to the party?" she asked Lieutenant Commander Yamaguchi.

Yamaguchi smiled at the other woman. "One of the guards was giving me hassle and then these two got in the Colonels face so he had this guy." she indicated the guy who was being led away. "arrested for insubordination."

Commander R'nard Lokran was working out in the gym, keeping his martial arts skills in top form, when he got the message.

He left the gym, went to his quarters and got his equipment. Leaving for the Kearsage, he was soon there, just in time to see the Ensign being led away. He looked to Hurd. "What happened here, Colonel? Anything I need to be concerned about?"

Hurd looked at Lokran, and started to say, ''No Sir'', when a lot of noise from down the corridor caught his attention. He spun around and saw that the prisoner had somehow broken free of his restraints, and was now charging back down the corridor, straight at the group of assembled Officers. Hurd Yelled ''Get Back!!'' at the other three, and charged straight at the man that was running at them. He caught the man mid-run, and both of them went down to the deck, fighting, and Col. Hurd had no illusions that the man had snapped and was trying to kill him, and when finished, would attempt to do so to the other three around him, his friends.

Yamaguchi grasped her rifle as it appeared in her arms as if by magic, she frowned as she attempted to get a clear shot but since the security officer was duking it out with the colonel, she couldn't risk hitting the Colonel. "Get clear!" she called, hoping the Colonel would take heed so she could stun the maniac security officer who was shortly to be out of a job.

Andrew was a little early as he started up the boarding ramp. He could hear the commotion ahead of him but was not expecting a fight to be ensuing. He walked in silently and took stock. The colonel was fighting one of the security guards. Cmdr Lokran was moving towards the fight, and Lt Cmdr Yamaguchi was lining up her phaser rifle, but not firing. He walked up to the Lt Cmdr and grabbed the rifle, he checked the settings and fired at the two fighting officers. They both dropped to the floor, stunned. It was unfortunate that he had to hit them both, but control of the situation was more important than stunned officers. He then handed the rifle back to Lt Cmdr Yamaguchi.

Then and only then did he speak, "Tressa, assist them". He then looked at Lokran and Yamaguchi, "Explain! What the hell is going on?"

Yamaguchi raised an eyebrow as she proceeded to sling the rifle she was holding in her hands over one shoulder as she regarded the older Captain. Her hatred of Clifford was sudden and brutal as she was highly tempted to haul off and belt him one with her rifle, what was it with these people treating her like she was a child?. She pushed it aside with a healthy shove. "The security guard approached the Colonel in a hostile manner when he refused to permit the Colonel to bring his footlocker aboard when I inquired what was going on, he was extremely rude so the Colonel arrested him... the man got free down the hall and then attacked the Colonel. Neither Doctor Brisian or Commander Lokran were present from the start of this." Yamaguchi explained, what she left out was that it had taken all of her willpower not to slug the older Captain for snatching the rifle out of her hands as to where she had come from, that had been a major offense. Starfleet security would have backed her on the matter.

Yamaguchi noticed the two men were slowly coming to and she moved over to where the downed security guard lay as she again drew her rifle. "Morning handsome... stun hangover cleared your head of the battle rage yet or do I need to sedate you again?"

The guard sneered at her but did not move as Yamaguchi looked at him. "Someone please move this man to a holding cell, charges are insubordination and assault on a superior officer.... and whatever charges to be forthcoming.." she stepped back as three more security officers converged on the downed Security officer.

Yamaguchi watched with dark, impassive eyes. "Some days... I just can't win..."

Tressa slipped her tricorder into her pocket and stood back up. "Should be a fun mission," she said, nodding to Captain Clifford as she boarded the ship.

Andrew nodded back to Tressa as she walked off. He then watched impassively as the guard was lead away. In his mind was the question of what precipitated this. He walked over to Colonel Hurd, "My apologies Colonel, I don't like having to stun my officers but it was the most appropriate action in the circumstances. Come to my ready room in one hour".

Col. Hurd looked at the captain, shaking the last vestiges of being stunned off, and said, ''Sir I understand, believe me, I would have done the same in your position.'' After a short pause, he also added, ''Aye Sir, 1 hour it is.''

Andrew acknowledged the Colonel's response and started to walk towards the bridge. Before leaving, however, he turned to Lt Cmdr Yamaguchi, "Come to my ready room in one hour, as well, Lt Cmdr. We must talk".

Yamaguchi disagreed as she thought there was nothing to discuss but he outranked her and thus her opinion meant nothing. "Yes sir," she responded as she reached down and plucked her sizeable duffel bag off of the deck and
she then turned and went aboard the USS Kearsage, what she had left unsaid was that the Captain of this rickety barge had snatched her rifle out of her hands and had used to shoot two men and then he handed it back to her like she was an ignorant cadet, such actions offended her and she was going to see to it he knew how she felt because the next time, she may not be able to stop herself from drawing her second phaser as she always carried two on assignment

As Col. Hurd picked up his equipment locker, he noticed that Lt. Comdr. Yamaguchi looked rather angry, morso than he had ever seen her. As he walked, he called out ''Commander, a moment please.''

Yamaguchi raised an eyebrow, as she had an idea of how this would go.
He was probably going to tell her that she needed to calm down and the like which would be pointless and a complete waste of time. "Yes, Colonel?"

Col. Hurd looked at the commander and eyed her. He said, ''Commander I know you are somebody I can trust, so I will tell you this. That ''Security Officer?'' ''I know him, I can't say from where, because it is classified, but suffice it to say, he did, and maybe still does work for Section 31.''

Andrew continued to the bridge. As the doors opened the office of the day jumped up, calling out "Captain on the bridge".

Andrew waved a hand of dismissal, "At ease. For future note, don't announce me on the bridge, there is no need."
As he walked across the bridge, he looked at the officer of the day and motioned him to the center seat, "You still have the Conn, Lt. As soon as everybody is aboard let dock control know and cast the ship off. Once we are in open space set a course for Cetus III, warp 8".

The Lt. sat back down, "Warp 8, Captain?"

Andrew paused in front of his ready room door and recalled the starfleet dictate limiting travel to a maximum of warp 5. He looked at the Lt, "Yes, good point, Lt. Warp 8, anyway. We need to get to Cestus III PDQ, we have a Gorn incursion to deal with".

With that, he entered his ready room. As the door closed behind him he heard the Lt. issuing instructions about getting the ship cast off.

Yamaguchi was feeling annoyed as she slowly cooled off as she walked into the armory, she then signed her rifle over to the armory officer. "Sign that into inventory, please. It has some modifications... my design."

"Right.," he responded and with that, she went off to find her room, another ship, I come here and I go there as she sighed, the differences between the Essex and this ship were sizeable as the floor carpet was a different color and the signage was different.


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