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The Way of the Sword - Part One

Posted on Sun Mar 15th, 2020 @ 10:01am by Master Chief Petty Officer Doran, Son of K'Taal & Petty Officer 2nd Class Cheleya Dvald

Mission: Mission 98: Building Our New Home
Location: Gym - Starbase Vanguard (47)
Timeline: 1830Hrs - May 23rd, 2393

Two months after she had come to the Starbase. Cheleya Dvald had gone down to the gym to exercise. In one of the rooms, she had noticed Master Chief Petty Officer Doran, Son of K'Taal, dressed in a kimono and hakama. In his hands, he held a wooden bokken and he was performing a kata.

Dvald had silently watched the medical officers graceful movements; admiring both the blade and his skill at using it. She had seen Rachael and Elizabeth both sparring a few times, but with Doran it was different. Doran was without question a warrior. Dvald noted the fluid grace as the massive Klingon made the sparring routine look like an acrobatic dance that a child could master in one smooth motion.

The small-framed Bolioan female had continued to silently watch the nurse practice, whenever she spotted him in the gym.

Dvald decided that today would be the day to do something other than watch. "Master Chief," she said as he approached.

Doran looked down at her. "Petty Offcer..."

He started to stand up, but Dvald stopped him. "I'm off duty, and so are you." Dvald pulled out a chair and sat down opposite the Nurse. "I wanted to ask you a question," she began. "I'm pretty sure you've noticed me watching you practice in the gym." Dvald took a breath. "And I was hoping that you could teach me how to handle a sword."

Doran was silent for a moment. "Learning how to use a sword is not a casual hobby, Petty Officer. If that is what you wish to learn, then I must respectfully refuse your request." the massive Klingon spoke in a gentle, warm tone of voice rather then the half demand and half growl one usually heard from a Klingon.

Dvald blinked, she had not been expecting such a statement, she had been expecting the usual, the angry snarl and cold dismissal.

At noting the small Bolian female's surprised expression, he continued. "To master the virtue of the sword is to master the world and oneself. It takes many years to begin to master the techniques of swordsmanship." His eyebrow raised slightly. "And you will never master them if you approach training with a 'ten years, I'll do it in nine' attitude," Doran explained in gentle terms. "There is much more to this then simply working," he added by way of clarification.

Dvald's eyes widened and she was surprised to feel herself blush with embarrassment. Cheleya had been known at boot camp for being an overeager, workaholic. But that was then and this was now.

Doran continued his explanation for her. "It takes on average ten years to learn the techniques of the sword. But the ultimate goal of training is to become one with the sword and that takes a lifetime. A lifetime of not only mastering the sword but oneself as well."

The nurse stood and picked up his wooden sword. "I will give you two days to think about what it is you that truly want. Decide if you simply want to learn how to handle a sword, or if you truly wish to master both it and yourself. Discuss it with your mate, if it will help you. After those two days, ask me again." and with that, Doran turned and departed the gym in silence, leaving Dvald to contemplate what had been said between them.

Dvald rose to her feet before she decided that she needed to see two masters of the blades in action before she could decide. "Computer, run program Yamaguchi Echo sixteen," she commented, knowing full well that her various family members had uploaded a copy of Torilla Yamaguchi's combat training holograms into the system the previous evening, she had been with him when he had done so and now she would take full advantage of her old friends work.

Dvald huffed a soft sigh, she missed her aunt's friend as she had been on decent terms with the woman in question. It showed too while the two holograms appeared and went to war with each other, for Dvald's education. "I miss you Torilla," Cheleya said quietly while she watched the holograms in action.


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