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Massing for the Advance

Posted on Wed Mar 11th, 2020 @ 2:45am by Fleet Admiral Dominique Jes-Tereth

Mission: Mission 84: The Ghastly Echoes of Vietnam
Location: Thirty miles West of Halan'goren - Klingon Command Center
Timeline: 0600Hrs - April 28th, 2392

General Thakar Wahid smiled as he regarded the large map of the Gorn's capital city before him. Halan'goren was by all accounts a truly massive city of some forty million people, heavily settled and heavily built up, it would serve as an excellent pyre for the coming battle. Wahlid would demonstrate why the Klingons were the superior race of warriors once and for all, nobody would ever have cause to doubt them ever again, especially once this battle was finished and done. When Wahlid stood atop a small mountain of his broken enemies and had the Gorn Queen as his slave, only then would be happy. He turned to the Klingon male next to him. "How long before your troops are in position?" Wahlid asked in a rather arrogant tone of voice.

"Two days. Then we will take this capital and we will conquer this wretched world." The Klingon Brigadier General responded with a rather evil smile. "It's time the Gorn learned to not fuck with us... The Federation and their allies will respond, however." the younger Klingon indicated the display before him, indicating the best guesses for the locations of the Federations forces planetside.

"Let them. They cannot match the power of Klingons. We are indeed the superior race with the better warriors.." Wahid dismissed the mention of the Federation with a wave of his hand.

"Yessir." The younger general responded. "We will crush them anyway..."

Meanwhile across the other side of the valley where the Klingon command center was located was a Gorn heavy MLRS, it waited with its two dozen warheads primed and ready for launch. The gunner nodded to the driver. "Target locked.." he muttered.

"Fire." the driver, a young Gorn responded. "Everything, all tubes." and with that the gunner pulled the trigger on the warhead launcher, launching all twenty-four missiles all at once, they sped across the valley and considering how close the single Gorn weapon of war had gotten to the target, there was almost no time to avoid or prepare.

The driver nodded. "We need to go, right now." as he got the MLRS into motion, heading back towards the drop ship that would be waiting for them. Meanwhile, the warheads sped into the side of the mountain, where the Klingon command center was located.

The shock was instant and demanding, as the warheads pierced the side of the mountain before they exploded, focusing the energy of the warheads into the mountain itself, shattering all in its path and doing massage damage to the command center.

General Thakar Wahid snarled. "General. Launch your assault without delay, kill everything in your path. Burn that city to the ground!" he roared to be heard over the din of noise and ground being pulverized.

"Yes General. It will be done." the younger Klingon responded with a nod, as he hauled himself back to his feet, he grinned as he gave the order to attack.

"Find out where that strike came from and then kill them!." Wahid screamed at the top of his lungs.

Meanwhile, the Gorn MLRS cleared the small covering of trees and reached the dropship that had dropped it off a day or so before, the Gorn troops waiting heard the sounds of Klingon vengeance screaming through the air as the drop ship grabbed the MLRS with its tractor beam before the ship took off. The ship, however, didn't get far before a flight of Klingon starfighters began to harry it.

The Gorn gunners began shooting back at the four Klingon fighters, quickly shooting first one and then a second one of them down, both bursting into balls of metal fire as they impacted against the sides of the mountains as the Dropship lost its shields before two Gorn low-level fighters popped up and dispatched the last two Klingon fighters with their ordinance.


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