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The Restless Shades of the Past - Part One

Posted on Fri Mar 6th, 2020 @ 4:47pm by Tienn Jaina & Almar Pettar
Edited on on Fri Mar 6th, 2020 @ 4:50pm

Mission: Mission 66: Double Helix
Location: Tuanko Colony - Planet surface - Tienn Homestead
Timeline: 1800Hrs Local Time - Feb 20th, 2392

It was late summer on this continent of Tuanko Colony, located in the Hiesta Sector, in the same system as the Turanko Colony except this colony was far smaller and people came here if they generally didn't wish to be bothered all that much. The land was lush and fertile with an extensive tropical zone but here it was grasslands as far as the eye could see. It helped that the ground was also extremely flat so the farming was excellent here.

Tienn Jaina sighed softly as she closed the large doors to the barn behind her, the weather was hot today as she ran the sleeve of her shirt over her forehead, it came away wet with sweat as she let out a soft sigh.

She turned her head as she regarded her son who approached her. "We're almost finished with dinner inside." Corat Tienn regarded his Bajoran mother, his skin-tone was a medium grey as he was part Cardassian.

"Alright." Tienn responded evenly. "Are your siblings behaving?"

"As well as children do." Corat responded. "I bring them to school and pick them up again." he sighed softly as he regarded his mother with a look akin to affection. "I know that look mom."

"I don't know.." Tienn responded as she let out a sigh. "I wish I knew what happened to my other family on Bajor... I wish..."

"I can look into it for you... if you want.." Corat offered.

She nodded her head, in appreciation. "It was years ago... before I met your dad." she responded, trying to dismiss his offer politely but she could find no decent way to let him down easy.

"You never said what happened..." Corat inquired, fishing for information from his mother about what happened, suddenly he sneezed before he began wheezing softly. "Aww Khost, not me too.."

"You got that bug thats going around?" Tienn knew exacly what was going on.

"Yeah... aww no, now I'm gonna pass it to you guys."

Tienn sighed as she gently slipped her arms around her son as she turned him by the shoulders. "Right.. come on... off with you..." as she gently guided him to the door of their rather sizable dwelling.

"Mom, I hate lounging around." Corat protested as three large dogs came out to greet them with love and affection as they were won't to do.

"Come on girls." Tienn said to her dogs. "Lets go inside." as she gently herded Corat to his room. "To bed with you... I'll handle everything else."

"Alright." the boy sighed as he went into his room, his mother followed him into his room as she took a moment to reflect that he was young enough to be her grandson, her her daughters and children from her first marriage lived.

Corat peeled off his shirt, revealing his toned chest as he sat down on the bed. "Now I'm going to spend a week being a greedy puglic."

Tienn sighed softly. "I'll contact one of the colonies doctors, see if a cure has been created yet." she responded with a sigh. "You climb into bed and go get some sleep..." as she gently gave her son a kiss on the cheek, before departing to leave Corat to his privacy, she closed the door behind her.

She went down the flight of stairs and then went into the study which was on the landing between the two flights of stairs, one going up to the third level and the second which went down to the ground level.

She tapped the display, it activated on contact as she called the Doctors office, in town. "Doctor Sharpe.?" she asked once she had gotten through.

"Yes... Ahh Tienn Jaina, What can I do for you?"

"I was wondering... Has a cure been discovered yet for whatever this bug is?"

"No... We're still working on processing our test results... You have a case there?"

"Yes, my eldest Corat has it now... He came down with it which means I'll get it by tomorrows sunrise and everyone else will have it by tomorrow night." Tienn explained.

"This is most alarming, it keeps going through the population... I'm going to ask the governor to request a Federation Starship come and help us... Hey, Maybe it'll be the Roanoke and her battlegroup... I hear they have made quite the name for themselves.."

"We can only hope. Prophets willing." Tienn responded. "I've never seen a Federation starship[ before..." she paused as she smiled. "I can hope."

"Indeed. I sorry the news isn't good.... I will keep you posted okay?"

"I'll do the same." Tienn responded, knowing this call was going to leave her empty handed. "Goodbye Doctor... Thank you." and with that she hung up, before a sigh escaped her lips.


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