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Fields of Death

Posted on Fri Mar 6th, 2020 @ 2:55am by Fleet Admiral Dominique Jes-Tereth

Mission: Mission 59: Stirrings of Treason
Location: Council Chambers / High Orbit aboard the IKS VoyQong - Kronos, OMEGA LEONIS
Timeline: 1830Hrs - Feb 11th 2392

Chancellor B'Vat sighed softly as he tapped the display before him, his position here on Kronos was hideous vulnerable and this had only become more and more clear. He finally decided that he needed to return to his seat of power on B'Moth which was three sectors away.

Meanwhile on his command ship, the IKS VoyQong. the Captain of the ship was bored as he sat in his office doing routine paperwork as a last minute consignment of ship parts suddenly appeared on the manifest, without taking the time to admire the paperwork or look at the request with too much interest. He tapped 'Approve' without a second look and proceeded with his work.

Meanwhile, in Cargo deck two, the pallet of parts appeared as it was beamed aboard, two Klingons came over from the orbital Starbase with the parts. A Klingon Engineer came over. "Paperwork please?" he said in a bored tone of voice.

"Here." one of the two Klingon dockworkers responded as the paperwork was checked off and cleared,. the inventory of the computer parts were added to the system and the two engineers were satisfied that all was well.

The door opened and in walked a rather portly looking Klingon who needed something from the new pallet of parts that had just arrived, he demanded that one of his engineers get it for him. The two dockworkers departed, both of them knew exactly what had just transpired as the parts were defined for something quite dangerous.

The two went into the ship rather then depart the ship as nobody paid them any mind, the item was found moments later and the young engineer brought it to the Chief Engineer.

"Here you go." he presented it to the Engineer.

The Engineer suddenly bitch slapped the boy. "Stupid.." he commented in a snide tone. "Bring it to Engineering. Yo'Kam will direct 'You' in installing it. I wish to see what else is on that palate. No doubt things were missed. I want to check it."

The Chief Engineer regarded the remaining engineer, this one a female "Continue." he said in a highly arrogant tone. The engineer went to work stripping the palette of the parts as he went about storing them, all the while muttering black curses at the engineer who just happened to hear her talking.

He went over, grabbing her by the hair he yanked her over to him, not caring that she dropped a handful of highly sensitive equipment in the meantime as he tried to pull off her pants, clearly he was going to try and rape her.

He simply yanked her dagger off of her belt and plunged it into his guts, before she ripped it out and then she stabbed him several more times, all the while drenching he decking in his viscera. "Think its funny do ya... Fatso." she growled as she stabbed him several more times before she let his massive bulk fall to the floor.

She smiled as she wiped her dagger on his sleeve.

Another Engineer entered the room. "What... He demanded Mauk'to'vor." the female explained. "I granted it to him... Lets clean this mess up.. and report the expiration of our Chief... I'm sure many people will party tonight when this gets out."

"The man was a Targ." the other man agreed as the two went to work in dealing with things, before the female lifted several items from the palette. "I need to deal with these items... Could you handle the report of his death to command... I have to finish the work or Second Lieutenant Yov'kamch will kill me slowly."

"Yes. I will handle it." and with that, he departed. Leaving the female alone to assemble the device she was making before she stowed it behind the bulkhead of the cargo bay, it was near the warp reactor and the energy from the reactor would mask the signature of the device which when powered up, would seal the fate of all aboard.

The female activated the device before she secured the bulkhead, she then turned and departed quickly.

Meanwhile B'Vat was busy beaming aboard his vessel which he regarded as his personal property, as were all of those aboard her. "HoD?"

"We are ready to depart my lord.."

"Do so and get us clear of the base.." B'Vat then sat down in the command chair as he watched the ship slowly depart the dock, not realizing that he and all aboard were doomed.

The IKS VoyQong slipped out of her berth before her escorts formed up around her then the four ships all moved away from the base, suddenly the bomb detonated and VoyQong simply shattered in a truly massive conflagration, two of her three Birds of Prey also were consumed and likewise detonated in the explosion where as the third spun out of control before she likewise exploded a moment later.

Meanwhile aboard the base, the Klingon female simply smiled. "Goodbye.. B'Vat...I hope you enjoy your time in Gre'thor." as she raised her hood before making her own plans to return to Ogat


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