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The Burnt Mantle

Posted on Thu Mar 5th, 2020 @ 5:31am by Shonax Dvald

Mission: Mission 58: Revenge Served, the Bolian Way
Location: Various Locations
Timeline: 1900Hrs - February 1st to February 16th, 2392

Shonax Dvald watched on subspace as the effects of his wife's news story broke, the effects on Czerka itself, on Bolarus and elsewhere in the Federation. He was not to happy about having to play this card but he knew that Senjin and the other members of the board plus their various lackeys would never leave him any other choice.

The first arrest came later that night with the oldest member of the board who tried to sneak offworld when she was identified simply because she got sloppy and expected people to fear her, she was nicknamed 'The Old Lady of Czerka, but the information Shonax had leaked through his wife had exposed enough crimes that she had either committed in or had commissioned on her behalf that the blood of dozens were on her hands, she was also known for having criminal tastes in children so she was also wanted on over a hundred charges regarding trafficking and child exploitation in various manners.

Czerka's stock had crumbled over the space of a few hours, the company went from employing hundreds of thousands and was wealthy to a shadow of its former self with hundreds leaving.

Two days later the second member of the board, a middle aged heavyset man known as the Pot of Polarus city, he was known for being a civil and level headed man on the other side however he was also vain, cruel and vindictive. He was a gangster as he stoke his own pleasure yacht and ran out of the harbor, only to be chased down by low flying aircraft as well as ships from the local Starfleet base.

Hanris Shellid looked around. "I need to get offworld.." he paused as he checked his position against the map, he was cruising along at a steady forty miles an hour, he knew he was wasting his time once the starfleet people came after him.

Suddenly he head a loudspeaker come to life. "Hanris Shellid, stand down and surrender... you are totally surrounded and you cannot fight or flee... surrender or we will have to take you in using hostile force.."

Shellid sighed as he looked at the dozen or so security vessels around him, some in the water and some in the skies as his nerve broke down completly. He lifted a phaser to his head but he couldn't do it as a sharpshooter shot him first with a weapon on stun.

The same sharpshooter along with two others quickly rappelled down to his vessel and with quick efficiency, they secured his vessel and he was alone.

Over the next several days, it was almost as if one scandal after another plagued Czerka, that was until Shonax came back from the dead and announced that he was taking over his families company and would reform it to restore confidence in him, he also took the unusual step of reforming the board but inviting a member from Starfleet to serve as well as two police officers who were well known to the public and would serve under the public eye to ensure all would remain well with the company while Shonax reformed it.

While all of this was going on, the remaining three executives from the old board were on the run, two of them were found within days, one of them was found in the woods at a back country cabin donated to her by the company, she was barricaded inside but she was eventually overcome and when she tried to kill herself and the other people she had with her, the starfleet force simply went in and stunned everyone. It was hard to do but they honestly had no choice. It was even harder for the people involved when it was revealed that they were children in various states of employment, all of the dozen or so had been abused to some level or another and in some form or another.

The forth person was apprehended at a spaceport. He was spotted by a sharp eyed female employee who called the cops quickly before she encased him inside a forcefield, it was then when he began threatening her, her family and her friends in regards to what he would to do her and them. "I'm going to rape you into the ground you little bitch!"

Holas smiled. "I am sure." she responded. "Please tell me more?"

The man went on a rant for about five minutes until security showed up and with ruthless force, they took him into custody and the last one was Senjin himself. "I won't be taken... I won't be taken." as he looked around for an escape.

He watched as the door to the roof suddenly opened, however it opened with such force that it disintegrated and a dozen or so guards emerged. "Drop your weapon!" one of them called

"I won't be taken alive..!" Senjin shouted back.

"You don't have a choice anymore... I arrest you in the-" responded the lead cop as Senjin took off running for the edge of the building, when a police officer shot him with a weapon on stun.

Senjin dropped to the ground, suddenly there was a soft popping sound as his suicide implant activated but because he had landed face down on the rocks, it had smashed out three teach, one of those was the suicide implant.

The police officers quickly secured their prey and while they carted him off, the lead investigator smiled. "This will keep the criminals running for a time... Keep up the pressure on them Commander." she remarked to the police officer nearby.

"Count on it. Ma'am." he responded before he took his leave.


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