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The Tides of Darkness

Posted on Thu Feb 27th, 2020 @ 10:14pm by Fleet Captain Torilla Yamaguchi

Mission: Mission 28: Those who Remain
Location: Various Locations - USS Roanoke
Timeline: 2100Hrs - February 22nd, 2391

Commander Torilla Yamaguchi walked forward into the turbolift, her mind in a daze as she mentally tried to process what she had seen thanks to her link with Nalla's mind, needless to say the effects had been cataclysmic to both women.

She stepped onto the bridge as she looked around. "Is... Zara in her .... office?"

The Ops officer nodded as Torilla tapped the door chime.

"Open," Zara called out groggily, sleepy from a nap she had taken on the couch.

The door opened and in walked the thunderstorm that was Torilla, she entered slowly as she picked her way forward before her legs gave out from under her, she went down with a soft cry.

Gently, Zara rolled out of the couch bed and gently pulled Torilla up in with her. To cuddle her. To let her friend know that all was going to be OK.

"I figured out the woman you call a menace in sickbay.." Yamaguchi looked at Zara, her voice was soft. "I wanted to teach her how to use her skills... I saw..." she paused as she shook her head. "Evil... her mother was abusive..." Yamaguchi then sighed before she shook her head a second time. "I can't understand it... I saw... a baby being beaten... like it was a rag doll..." she stopped. "a child being thrown down a flight of stairs and an older child being tossed into an EPS conduit which exploded..."

Zara paled upon those events being recanted to her. She knew of the last one and nervously spoke, "Please don't hit me when I say this... But Olmos told me about the EPS conduit. That's how Nalla was blinded. But there was never any proof to prosecute her birth mother. That's why she's here, instead of another posting where her birth mother could keep close tabs on her."

Yamaguchi regarded the smaller woman. "I need you to see the level of horror I saw.... I need to share this memory with you." Torilla asked. "May I share with you?"

"Yes, you may." Though Zara agreed to her, her deep brown eyes were very skeptic.

Torilla gently touched Zara's forehead as she proceeded to share the memory, the taller woman left out a soft cry as she moved so she was lying on her back. "I do not understand.... how can someone... be so heartless... It goes against everything I believe in..."

"Because... that woman's insane," Zara said with tears coming out of her eyes. "I never knew Nalla was this innocent. To believe her evil mother could still love her. Practically an emo Vader, her mom is."

Yamaguchi turned her head. "I never realized that... such evil could walk... as a person..." she sighed. "She needs to die..."

"Death is a release, not a punishment." Zara paused a long moment before she added, "This woman beat her child. Nearly killed her twice, that we know of. And she's trying to convince her community at large that Nalla is mentally retarded... That woman deserves to go to the worst prison hole and experience all the horrors Nalla's had, on a daily basis."

Yamaguchi regarded Tane. "So.... we can't kill her..." she paused. "We..... Ahh... I understand now.."

Zara hugged Torilla, like a protective mom. "I'm sorry you had to see that evil, but unfortunately, the Federation has its dark holes. Nalla came from one. Phoenix came from one... and so did I."

"Your father.." Yamaguchi responded quietly. "You told me about him.."

"What amazes me, is that Nalla was raised by evil... Yet she managed to turn out to be this ball of bright light," Zara spoke with envy.

"Her foster mother cares..." Yamaguchi responded. "Few others do.."

"I care... I just never knew how to help her. I could only protect her," Zara admitted gloomily. "I'm glad you're trying, though."

Yamaguchi regarded the smaller woman next to her as she brushed the smaller woman's hair out of Zara's eyes. "She can't control her abilities... My daughters and I are gonna help her overcome that.."

Zara continued to hug her best friend, to comfort her. "Olmos has tried many times. Something of a common conversation point with her, I have. She's a strong telepath herself too, and has failed."

"I heard." Yamaguchi responded. "But she was also raising Nalla, so she's got that conflict of interest... where as I and my daughters... do not."

"I'm sorry you had to see those things," Zara spoke quietly. "I guess one would have to become Vulcan to get through all that."

"I will manage.." Yamaguchi whispered as a sigh escaped her lips. "Somehow."

"When you figure out how to touch her, let me know... That kid needs lots of hugs," Zara noted with sympathy.

"I can touch her..." Yamaguchi sighed. "But she is frighteningly powerful, she can overwhelm my psionic shielding quite easily..." she paused. "I need to develop my shielding skills."

"Olmos touches her all the time," Zara pointed out quietly. "She could probably give you some pointers there."

"It would be helpful." Yamaguchi sighed softly. "But Nalla's birth mother must pay for her crimes.."

"Phoenix and Siaxx conned Nalla into getting the Furban House's blueprints," Zara spoke even lower. "I know because I saw the massive data packet Nalla's younger sister sent her... If anyone knows about what you're talking about, my credits are on Phoenix."

Yamaguchi regarded Phoenix with a wry smile. "Indeed... Sounds like Phoenix and Siaxx has something in mind.." she slowly sat up. "I need to have a chat with Phoenix."

"Rest first. You've a headache you shouldn't be managing while working," Zara spoke sagely as she gently tried to pull Torilla back down.

Yamaguchi smiled despite her black mood. "Yeah..." she responded as she gently held the smaller woman against her. "I'm so glad you came into my life... I never said it before... but thank you."

"You're my best friend," Zara admitted. "I don't want to lose it all that much."

Yamaguchi moved onto her back as she regarded Zara. "I never expected you and I to get along... I expected this to be a temp assignment which was going to be a misery... I'm glad I was wrong..." she paused. "you're one of the best friends I ever had... my best friend just so happens to be my husband." she commented. "no slight against you."

"I'm not offended," Zara laughed wholeheartedly. "But I'm glad to know I'm a friend to you."

Yamaguchi chuckled softly. "You will always be my friend."

"Well I'd have to be," Zara spoke with a smug grin. "Your life would be very boring without me in it."

Yamaguchi laughed at that comment. "Y'Know Jake would protest that comment." Torilla said evenly, between laughs. "But sooner or later Zara... We're going to take care of Allana Furban..... Justice will be done that day..."

"I'll be there to help you when you do," Zara promised.

"Good..." Torilla gently coiled her arms around the smaller woman's frame. "and on that day.... when justice has been dished out.... I plan on celebrating."

"Rest now, Ty." Zara tried to sooth. "We'll plan mayhem once you get your brain back."

Torilla looked up at the ceiling. "I don't want her to die.." she admitted as if confessing a secret. "that's not justice... I want her to pay for her crimes... for the rest of her life... and I want that life to be long..." she paused. "y'know?" Yamaguchi closed her eyes as a smile graced her lips. "Mmmm... thinking about it is worth something... to Nalla.."

"Sounds like you've developed a strong motherly feelings with the kid," Zara smiled widely. "Should Olmos be worried?"

"Yes..." Torilla came right out and said it. "She should be afraid.."

"Careful. All those family in your clan may scare her off."

"Nalla?" Torilla answered. "Or Olmos?"

"Nalla," Zara laughed. "That kid is shy."

"Fair enough.." Torilla responded.


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