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Thats not supposed to be there

Posted on Thu Feb 27th, 2020 @ 5:15pm by Fleet Captain Torilla Yamaguchi & Post Captain Tirion Fordring

Mission: Mission 23: Foundations of Stone
Location: Various Locations - USS Roanoke
Timeline: 0800Hrs - January 24th, 2391

Hakaya had enjoyed the last two days not being in the cage that was quarantine anymore. Though today was her first day on duty. Walking onto the flight deck for the first time in what felt like a month, the first thing she saw was something that clearly wasn't supposed to be there.

Tapping her combadge, Hakaya said, " Hakaya to Ra'Vak, what is the warp core doing in the hangar bay."

Ra'Vak took a minute to answer," well, when Ashes of Winter retrieved it, we didn't exactly have the people to put it back into place, So i figured might as well put it in the flight deck until we could spare the time to put it back. I asked te starbase crew to put it back, they said they would get back to me on the matter."

Hakaya nodded slowly," Uh huh, Well, I think you better get to putting it back to where it belongs, Hakaya out."

Hakaya watched as other members of the deck crew came up, also with confused looks.

Fordring was the only one who didn't look lost or confused. "Now that's something you don't see every day.... someone should take a picture..." he turned to Zarloos. "Nice work by the way..." he commented as he plucked an unused PADD off of a workspace counter top as he began to fill out an extensive shopping list from memory.

"I Aim to please." Zarloos smiled. "It was fun... dropping that ordinance onto the Breen ship..." he seemed immensely pleased with himself. "Now I see why Boomer and the others love flying so much..."

Hakaya looked at Zarloos saying," Honestly, that is an experience I would rather not repeat."

Zarloos nodded his head, in truth he could see why. "Fair point." he admitted. "Still... the Breen ship did make a nice expanding gas cloud."

Fordring for his part simply chuckled. "Well... the Breen are dead... they still managed to steal our computer core... which did them no good in the end.."

Teval walked onto the Hangar bay next, looking a little worse for wear. Upon noticing the warp core, He commented," O.K. whats with the decoration."

"Well Ashes of Winter felt we were looking rather spartan with our clean hanger so they decided to retentive our warp core..." Fordring explained. "So rather then re-install it... Engineering tossed it in here.... something about no people at all was the reason given."

Teval raised an eyebrow, "That was close to a month ago, the starbase crew wouldn't do anything about it."

"Apparently they had too many other ships to deal with." Fordring was clearly used to this old excuse. "They expect us to do everything ourselves even while we're in dock.."

Teval tapped his combadge," Torilla, can you come to the hangar deck please."

A woman's voice answered. "I'm on my way." silence ensured as a few minutes passed as Fordring commented. "You know she's going to be furious right?"

"Indeed." Torilla Yamaguchi answered as she approached. One could see the dark scowl on her face "What the fuck is the meaning of this!" she snarled angrily. "Seriously.... is the Starbase crew fucking with us!" Yamaguchi seemed ready to explode. "I am going to fucking HURT someone!!"

Teval nodded," Yeah apparently Ra'Vak had asked them about it, the starbase crew said they would get back to him."

Yamaguchi twitched ever so slightly. "Really..." she slowly smiled. "so I'm off to see a woman about a ships drive system, excuse me... I'm hungry for some blood." and with that the taller woman turned and departed.

Fordring watched her in silence. "Well... that went about as I expected.." he said after Yamaguchi had disappeared around the corner.

Hakaya commented lightly," well, looks like we are going to have a major war on our hands."

Fordring shrugged. "We're gonna win it too.." he commented. "With the Commander leading the charge... how can we not win.... she's gonna tear someone apart."

Hakaya sighed," Yeah I know, I just hope it doesn't cause us to need a new ships XO after this."

Fordring nodded. "With Starfleet and the way they keep fucking us over.... you never know.." he shrugged his massive shoulders. "Do you want me to go after her?"

Zarloos meanwhile was tapping something onto a PADD that he had retrieved. "We can use a shuttle to haul the warp core out and then re-install it ourselves... but... we're still going to need help from the Starbase in any event.."

Teval sighed, "Either way, its going to be a lengthy and annoying process"

Meanwhile Torilla had walked into the nearest office that wasn't being used by anyone as she seethed with rage, she opened a com-line to Starbase Operations.

The face of Captain Sildra Vaxx-Warfield appeared who as luck would have it was an old friend of Torilla's from a previous assignment. "Torilla... By Thorin's heart girl..... whats wrong?"

"Sildra... I'd like to stay and chat... but I need to talk... or rather yell at the Admiral... could you go get her for me... please?"

Vaxx-Warfield nodded her head. "One moment." and with that the scream went black as Torilla snarled loudly.

Moments later the com lit up again, except this time it was April's face that appeared. "Torilla... Sildra said you needed to talk to me urgently.. whats wrong hon?"

The look on Torilla's face along with her general state of distress indicated that things were very wrong in the Kingdom of Yamaguchi. Torilla gently began to explain her situation, pausing when her emotions threatened to spill over. "They left my warp core sitting on my hanger deck... Jake recovered it with his crew but the Starbase engineering people keep fucking us over and we can't get anything done... my crew are all on leave... Myself and several dozen are here..."

April nodded. "I'll be right over. I want to see this... for myself.." and with that the com went black again.

Torilla seethed with endless rage as she turned and marched out the door.

Meanwhile back on the Hanger deck, only a couple of minutes had passed as Fleet Admiral April Yamaguchi walked out onto the hanger deck. "Well.... I see Torilla wasn't feeding me a shit sandwich." April commented

"Admiral sir!." Fordring commented

"Stand down... I'm not actually here... think of me... as a ghost in the system." April then smiled. "What do you guys need?"

Hakaya was still looking at the warp core, "Someone to put a size fifty boot up someones ass for this."

Yamaguchi smiled widely. "Consider it done.." she answered. "I'll also send him down here to see his handiwork." she added.

Fordring commented. "Admiral... we need a few things..." he produced a PADD. "There is a complete list."

April quickly scrolled over the list. "Fresh food..." a smile graced April's lips. "consider this list approved... and Commander Daniel Peterson will be on his way to see you when I get back to my little den of sin." April commented. "I do think I need to meet your skipper though..."

Zarloos looked at Fordring. "How complete was that list...."

"Very... I downloaded everyone's needs from their databases onto one list.... its about ninety pages long..."

Teval looked at the warp core," So how long before engineering crews can be here to get this out of the hangar."

April's answer was quick. "In about ten minutes... after I tell them in no uncertain terms that this ship... is going to top of their priority list.." she answered. "If you guys need anything else... please contact me directly. No need to go through the usual middlemen." Yamaguchi answered. "Besides... Its been too long since I've yelled at anyone...Thank you guys... for bringing your problems to my attention.... I assure you... they will be dealt with..." April then smiled. "Now I'm going to go torment... I mean meet with your skipper... and let her know that this ship will be sorted out.." and with that April turned and departed, with the PADD that Fordring had given her.

Fordring watched the Admiral's shapely figure retreat out of the hanger. "Y'Know..... I have to admit... I didn't think I was gonna like her."

Teval didn't say anything as he silently went up into the tower with Hakaya.


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