Commodore William Antilles

Name William Antilles

Position Commanding Officer - CAPSQDN 16

Rank Commodore

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 50
Birthdate March 30th, 2343
Birthplace Mountview - Red Deer Colony

Physical Appearance

Height 6'1
Weight 210lbs
Hair Color Chestnut Brown
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description William Antilles is a large bulky human male, he was muscular and powerfully built but not overly so, he knows he is intimidating so he gets around it by smiling often. He finds an outlet in his spouse that he seldom gets from anyone. He deeply misses Tasmin.


Spouse Master Chief Petty Officer Tasmin Fordring - Chief of the Boat, USS Oathsworn
Children Heather Fordring-Antilles - Starfleet
Helen Fordring-Antilles - Starfleet
Davijaan Fordring-Antilles - Starfleet
Father Robert Antilles - Civilian
Mother Sara Antilles - Civilian
Brother(s) Rear Admiral John Antilles - Starfleet Medical
Post Captain Matthew Antilles - Chief Engineer, USS Valiant
Colonel Lee Antilles - Marine CO, USS Kronprinz
Commander Jackson Antilles - Chief Tactical Officer, USS Infinity
Sister(s) Captain Marie Antilles - Starfleet
Captain T'Nel Antilles - Commanding Officer, USS Massachusets - Sister In Law
Married to: John
Commander Tressa Brislan-Antilles - Chief Counselor, USS Valiant - Sister In Law
Married to: Matthew
Captain Coral Yamaguchi-Antilles - Commanding Officer, USS Kronprinz - Sister In Law
Married to: Lee
Commodore T'Shaamet - Executive Officer, Group Three - Sister In Law
Married to: Jackson
Other Family See the Antilles family entry in the wiki.

Personality & Traits

General Overview William is generally at peace with himself and his choices in life, that said he does have some issues he needs to work through, being told his brother was dead and he had to come to terms with his loss, then suddenly his brother was not dead but was instead held captive by the Federations own allies, tortured and abused for their pleasure.

William is angry at the Klingons for what they did to his brother and he needs some therapy to overcome his issues.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: His relationship with his wife and children, all of whom followed their parents into Starfleet, is a source of great strength for him. He loves his wife very much.

Weaknesses: He misses his wife deeply. He hates the Klingons with a ferocious passion.
Ambitions To be a good spouse to his wife, a good father, and a grandfather to his kids and grandkids. To be a good Captain to the people under his command.
Hobbies & Interests This is a man who has many hobbies, they are varied.