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Tue Dec 27th, 2022 @ 1:45pm

Captain Sarilla Antilles

Name Sarilla Antilles

Position Commanding Officer - USS Vigilant - Kumari Class

Rank Captain

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Klingon
Age 34
Birthdate January 12th, 2359
Birthplace Slums - Durandell

Physical Appearance

Height 6'4
Weight 200lbs
Hair Color Chestnut brown
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Sarilla Antilles is large, tall and very powerfully built, she is a Klingon who was raised in a human household. As such she is something of a gentle giant.


Spouse Commander Caiden Desan, Chief Counselor - USS Endurance
Children Paul Antilles-Desan - Child, 15 years old (twins)
Llaxia Antilles-Desan - Child, 15 years old (twins)
Andrea Antilles-Desan - Child, 14 years old (twins)
Sorlora Antiles-Desan - Child, 14 years old (twins)
Jelle Antilles-Desan - Child, 12 years old
Raelee Antilles-Desan - Child, 11 years old
Father Paul Antilles - Starfleet
Mother Grand General Sorlora - Commanding Officer. Talinor Union Navy
Brother(s) Biological Siblings:

Adopted Siblings:
Edward Antilles - Starfleet
Robert 'Robbie' Antilles
Jerome Antilles - Starfleet
Julian "The Master Chief" Antilles - Starfleet
Micheal Antilles - Child
William Antilles - Child
Stephen Dixon - Kira's Husband
Nathan Antilles - Rachael's Husband
Sister(s) Biological Siblings:
B'Elath - Location Unknown

Adopted Siblings:
Rachael Antilles - Starfleet
Kira Antilles - Starfleet
Patrica Antilles - Child
Katrina Antilles - Child
Mekka zh'Antilles - Adopted
K'Taal Antilles - Ed's Wife
Mirith Sinn-Antilles - Roberts Wife
Vilotanzia "Violet" Bounlutay-Antilles - Julian's wife
Other Family Considerable.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Sarilla Antilles is in many ways, a gentle giant of a woman, she is an engineering wizard but she is also skilled in dealing with other people. Also she is massive, loud and proud but she does not subscribe to the usual Klingon military routine. She is much more practical in her life as she was raised in a human household among human children.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: She is a people person, she is also patient and pragmatic.

Weaknesses: She is frequently misunderstood by almost everyone, as she is a Klingon female.
Everyone expects the warrior ferociousness. If crossed or cornered, she will attempt to flee rather than fight.
Ambitions She wants to be the best she can be. Her career is her priority at present but maybe she would like to find a mate and settle down to raise a family of her own.
Hobbies & Interests This is a woman who will try anything once with anyone. Including activities of an adult-oriented nature.

Personal History The woman named Sarilla Antilles was born on January 12th, 2359, she was born five minutes after her older sister who was named B'Elath. She was raised on a Klingon colony world named Durandell. This world was an overpopulated slum of a world that had been poorly maintained for decades and the military-industrial complex held this world in thrall. Opportunities on this world were few and far between but Sarilla endured crippling poverty and corruption until age seven.

This was when Sarilla and B'Elath were left orphaned by a major industrial accident that glassed an entire city and most of the surrounding countryside for a distance of thirty miles in all directions from the point of origin for the blast. This city was where her parents were working. Toiling for a nation-state that lacked the ability to care for its own, let alone anyone else. This event was sometime in April of 2366 and would be the event where the lives of B'Elath and Sarilla would take a hard left and a hard right respectively. They would both survive but be parted, for years and find themselves in very different places and with very different families.

Sarilla found herself the only one left of her family and while she had various concerns to face and deal with. She had no bodies to bury and she found herself being evicted from her parent's home on account of no rent money to pay the landlord. To add fire to the matter was that her twin was missing, and her location wasn't known either. What was even worse still was that Sarilla ended up being kidnapped and smuggled off-world. She was only a slave for less than two weeks but it was long enough for her to endure the misery of those who defy the rules and face the consequences of such.

Suffice to say. Paul Antilles and Andrea Crane took in this frightened young child and since Paul Antilles had his unique cultural heritage about him. He was able to communicate with this child and so, he and Andrea took her in and Sarellia found herself becoming one of Paul Antilles's children.

Sarilla found that this human was more of a Klingon than he looked so she had a very easy time fitting into his family and his four young children. She was a year older than his eldest native child but her education was terrible and she was almost unable to read or write. Paul Antilles and his family would correct this major concern but the issue would take years to resolve.

Paul quickly came to realize that he was unable to give Sarilla a proper upbringing. So in mid-2365. Paul decided he would call in the second woman who had captured his heart, all those years ago and he sent her to Sorlora. Solora in turn would send her ward to live with her own family on her homeworld. Sarilla would gain a very serious upbringing here among Klingons.

She was due to be sent back to Paul Antilles in early 2372 but thanks to the events of the short Klingon war with the Federation, she was trapped on the wrong side of the border. She was able to return to the Federation in mid-2373 after having spent eight years inside the Empire. What helped Sarilla to adjust was Solora's insistence that she should spend some time talking to her adopted father as well as her siblings.

Sarilla would watch as both of the people she had come to call mom and dad go off to fight in the Dominion War. Mom would fall early in the war, thanks to a Jem'Hadar swarm during the Battle of Tyra. The young woman wanted revenge but she was too young to enlist even though she wished to do so. The woman Sarilla would come to call her mother insisted that she focus her efforts on her studies. Her siblings agreed with this effort, while they worked to convince Sarilla to not enlist. Sarilla agreed and she kept her focus on her studies rather than her hatred.

When she graduated high school on time. It was a massive accomplishment as she had started her education several years late. She had been transformed from an illiterate street urchin to a calm, cool and well educated young woman. She decided once and for all that she wished to become a medical officer and went off to the academy, fully intending to secure her future the same way as she had secured her present in high school.

Sarilla threw everything she had and more into her education, she became almost downright anti-social but she felt her schoolwork and courseload were more important. Her siblings all ended up at the academy as well, with Sarilla leading the charge. Sarilla would face her second great tiral at the academy when she learned that the woman she had come to call mother was killed in battle against the Dominion, but worse was yet to follow when she learned that Sorlora would later be lost in one of the last battles of the Dominion War.

Sarilla would graduate, and go off to her residency on Starbase 1264. She would spend the better part of several years here. Sarilla learned a great many things in a short space of time.

Sarilla would serve across several assignments. Earning various awards and promotions along the way but the most special thing was when she began to date a Deltan male named Caiden. He was curious about her and he would seek to know more about her. Over time their relationship developed and the two quickly ended up having several children. They then wed in a Klingon ceremony with Caiden becoming a part of House Kaang. To both of their knowledge, he was the first Deltan to ever become a part of a Klingon house.

The two would travel across their various assignments raising the children between them. Sarilla and Caiden both made it clear that they would remain together, while he taught her exactly how sex worked. The two would find themselves on the USS Endurance with Sarilla being the present Executive Officer for the ship.
Service Record Starfleet Academy - Earth, SOL
2373 to 2376 - Medical and Counseling Student
Cadet One - Three

Starbase 1264 - Ournal I Class
2376 to 2384 - Medical Officer / Residency
Ensign / Lt Commander

USS Faraday - Luna Class
2384 to 2386 - Chief Medical Officer
Lt Commander

USS Benton - Galaxy Class
2386 to 2390 - Chief Medical Officer

USS Hannover - Guardian Class
2390 to 2393 - Executive Officer

USS Endurance - Guardian Class
2393 to Present - Executive Officer

Dates of Promotions and Demotions:
2373 to 2376 - Cadet One / Three
2376 to 2378 - Ensign
2378 to 2380 - Lieutenant JG
2380 to 2382 - Lieutenant
2382 to 2386 - Lt Commander
2386 to Present - Commander