Division Admiral Jessica Layton

Name Jessica Marie Layton

Position Chief Communications Officer - The Taurus Reach

Rank Division Admiral

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human - Colonist
Age 47
Birthdate December 19th, 2346
Birthplace Fridaythorpe - Yorkshire Colony

Physical Appearance

Height 5'7
Weight 125lbs
Hair Color Chestnut Brown
Eye Color Amber
Physical Description Jessica stands in at average height despite her slim frame, this black woman is beautiful with long black hair, done up in dreadlocks, and amber eyes. Her body is in fantastic condition; she's got the frame of a former gymnast who keeps in fantastic shape. She often wears her hair pulled back into a loose French braid so as not to damage her locs. If loose, the locs fall to her upper middle back.

Her eyes are her best feature. Soft, pale amber, startling with her darker skin and hair, looks as if they glow out of her face. Her nose is pretty, her lips generous. Her skin is well taken care of--obviously a vanity when she has the time despite her age and busy schedule.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Jacob Layton
Mother Alessa Layton, nee Desrochers
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None
Other Family None

Personality & Traits

General Overview Quiet and kind of shy, Jessica is a bookish sort of woman who takes time to warm up to people. She's not snobby, but sometimes it takes a bit for her to not seem like an ice queen.
Strengths & Weaknesses + Doesn't panic.
+ Smart.
+ Excels in an emergency.

- Ice queen vibes.
- Shy.
- Doesn't speak up first, much, until she knows someone.
- Can be stubborn if she knows she's right.
Ambitions To command a research ship.
Hobbies & Interests She has an extensive skin-care routine, and her locs take time. Outside of that, she's an avid reader, and is multi-craftual.