Lieutenant Commander Daisy Duke 'The Defiant' Spence

Name Daisy Duke 'The Defiant' Spence

Position Seventh - Daisy Duke

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Gender Female
Species North American Shorthair
Age 14

Physical Appearance

Height 8 inches
Weight 7lbs
Hair Color White, Black, yellow and gold. She carries the tabby look.
Eye Color Golden Yellow
Physical Description Daisy Duke looks like the Average North American Shorthair Cat


Spouse None
Children None
Father Martin Spence - Civilian Cook
Mother None
Brother(s) Major - German Shepard Dog
Sister(s) Jessie - Calico Cat
Clovis - North American Shorthair Cat
Nova - Pit Bull Dog
Other Family Edward Spence - Civilian - Grandfather
Bernadette Spence - Civilian Nurse - Grandmother
Nicola Spence - Civilian Daycare worker - Aunt
Paul Spence - Civilian Cargo Hauler - Uncle

Personality & Traits

General Overview Daisy Duke is a gentle and peaceful cat.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: Daisy Duke is a dangerous hunter of small animals.

Weaknesses: Daisy Duke does not like having her peace and quiet disturbed. She is sometimes a lazy cat.
Not getting along with Bear and Clovis is also a major bone of contention for her.
Ambitions Hanging out with Martin, to eat his food.
Hobbies & Interests Hanging out with Martin, wherever Martin is located.

Personal History Daisy Duke came into my life4 through an act of stubborn defiance. I was told to have the driveway shovelled and cleaned one evening by 7 pm, I decided I would do it when I felt like it and had I gone out at my original time. I would have missed Daisy Duke entirely. I went out at 9 pm, the wind was howling and the storm was raging. I saved her from a cold death alone.

I brought her into my house and my home. The other two cats did not like her instantly, a hatred they would never let go of as long as she was in the house. In the end, for her quality of life. I gave her up to a family friend who could give her the space she required to live and thrive. Clovis and Bear wouldn't let Daisy Duke be... So I gave her up. It was... One of the hardest choices I had ever made.

I could say so much about Daisy Duke and still leave so much left unsaid, that honestly, wouldn't be right and wouldn't do her justice.
Service Record TOD: March 7th, 2019

None. Her service was to her family. Daisy Duke was many things. A companion, a family member and a trusted friend.

"Death lies on her like an untimely frost... Upon the sweetest flower of all the field."

Martin Spence.