Captain Xena 'The Timeless' Spence

Name Xena 'The Timeless' Spence

Position Eighth - Xena

Rank Captain

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Minature Black Lab Mix
Age 20

Physical Appearance

Height 12 inches
Weight 24lbs
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Dark brown
Physical Description Xena looks like the Average miniature black labrador.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Paul Spence - Civilian Cargo Hauler
Mother Darcie Baxter - Civilian
Brother(s) Goofie - Housecat
Sister(s) Jager - Maine Coon Mix
Other Family Edward Spence - Civilian - Grandfather
Bernadette Spence - Civilian Nurse - Grandmother
Martin Spence - Civilian Cook - Uncle
Nicola Spence - Civilian Cargo Hauler - Aunt

Personality & Traits

General Overview Xena is a well mannered and laid back dog, despite what she has been through. She is a survivor.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: Xena is a dog that can handle anything and do anything.

Weaknesses: Xena does not get along well with anyone. She is an abuse survivor.
Ambitions Enjoying Peace and Quiet, to sleep.
Hobbies & Interests To be left alone, in peace.

Personal History Xena was the first pet we had ever had. She was rescued from an Indian Reserve. A Vet check later showed us she had been malnourished and as a result of issues and wounds, she had lost almost all of her teeth among other issues.

How Xena had endured was simply not known.

Xena had endured pain, death, destruction, famine, and war... but she survived... But she could not outrun time.
In the end, her own body betrayed her as her heart failed her. She was going to pass from congestive heart failure and thus, the decision was made to speed her journey to the halls of Valhalla where Odin awaited her spirit.

Thor would kneel in the presence of this little dog.
Service Record TOD: January 2nd, 2021

Today we had to say goodbye to the best dog a person could have asked for. I love you with all my heart beans. I will miss you whining at me at exactly 530 to remind me to feed you and how you would always meet me at the door when I would get home from work and not move till I would pet you and say hello. I’m heartbroken about losing you. RIP my baby girl

Paul Spence and Darcy Baxter