Captain Nymeria Martell

Name Nymeria Martell

Position Commanding Officer

Rank Captain

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Orion
Age 36
Birthdate December 29th, 2357
Birthplace Kingston - Vega

Physical Appearance

Height 5'5
Weight 120lbs
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Red
Physical Description This woman is a little on the thinner and smaller side then her siblings, but otherwise. Nymeria appears almost the same as her sisters. By all accounts, a beautiful woman.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Oberyn Martell - Civilian Combat Instructor, Vega Colony
Mother Ellaria Martell - Civilian Artist, Vega Colony
Brother(s) Trystane Martell - 10th Sand Snake
Sister(s) Sarella Martell - 2nd Sand Snake
Obella Martell - 3rd Sand Snake
Tyene Martell - 4th Sand Snake
Odessa Martell - 5th Sand Snake
Elia Martell - 6th Sand Snake
Obara Martell - 7th Sand Snake
Dorea Martell - 8th Sand Snake
Loreza Martell - 9th Sand Snake
Other Family Several Others scattered around

Oberon fathered ten children with four separate women. Whats more unusual is that he loves all of his children equally as he considers them all his, consequently, he gets along with all four of the ladies involved as he raises the children and keeps them with him.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Nymeria Martell is generally laid back and happy, most of the time. She stands five foot five and while she is small framed. She is very curvy, she attracts attention and makes whatever she's wearing, even the uniform look good on her.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: Nymeria does care but she hides it behind her comely looks and her usual impish smile.

Weaknesses: This woman likes sex a little too much.
Ambitions To settle down and start a family of her own.
Hobbies & Interests This is a woman who will try anything once.

Personal History Nymeria Martell was born in 2357 on Vega Colony as number one out of ten children that her father Oberon Martell have with four different women, he claimed them all as his and offered to raise them without the assistance of their mothers if they so desired. Three of them turned them over and departed but they remained in touch. All of this was around the same time as the time of the Cardassian border wars. But Oberon and his children would see little to no issues from any threats. A decade later would be the battle of Wolf Three Five Nine so Oberon maintained the ties with the mothers of his children.

His wife, named Ellaria fathered five of his ten children and the rest were ones or twos. Nymeria was raised in a happy and trouble-free childhood despite the fact that she had nine siblings. She had her own spaces to grow and prosper.

Nymeria graduated high school a few years later, as she went along she learned all she could of medicine and upon graduation, she then joined Starfleet. Nymeria fully embraced medicine as her main subject and she wanted to become a Doctor in Starfleet.

The time Nymeria spent at the academy was highly educational but it didn't break her spirits. Once that was completed. Nymeria went off to various assignments where she would hone her craft before landing an assignment to the USS Judicator as her Chief Medical Officer.
Service Record Starfleet Academy - Vega IX, VEGA
2375 to 2379 - Medical Student
Cadet One / Four

Starbase 12 - Ournal II Class
2379 to 2384 - Medical Officer
Ensign / Lieutenant JG

USS Benton - Galaxy Class
2384 to 2388 - Medical Officer
Lieutenant / Lt Commander

USS Enchantress - Century Class
2388 to 2391 - Chief Medical Officer
Lt Commander

USS Judicator - Guardian Class
2391 to 2392 - Chief Medical Officer

USS Phoenix - Discovery Class
2393 to Present - Commanding Officer

Dates of Promotions and Demotions:
2375 to 2379 - Cadet One / Four
2379 to 2380 - Ensign
2380 to 2382 - Lieutenant JG
2382 to 2384 - Lieutenant
2384 to 2387 - Lt Commander
2387 to 2393 - Commander
2393 to Present - Captain