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Wed Nov 30th, 2022 @ 6:14am

Commander Patricia Walking Bear

Name Patricia Walking Bear

Position Commanding Officer

Rank Commander

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human - Colonist
Age 34
Birthdate September 8th, 2359
Birthplace New Samarkand - Alpha Centauri A/d

Physical Appearance

Height 5'10
Weight 130lbs
Hair Color Chestnut
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Tall, statuesque and extremely good looking at what best describes this woman.


Spouse Korenna Walking Bear - Starfleet (Betazoid Female)
Children Esher Walking Bear - 15 years old (Female - Patricia's child)
Emmett Walking Bear - 15 years old (Male - Patricia's child)
Iden Walking Bear - 13 years old (Male - Korenna's child)
Rwaren Walking Bear - 12 years old (Female - Korenna's child)
Father Michael Walking Bear - Diplomat
Mother Zoe Walking Bear - Deceased
Brother(s) John Walking Bear - Civilian - 22 years old
Lee Yamaguchi - Starfleet - 44 years old. Julia's husband
James McTaggert, Marines - 44 years old. Heather's husband
Sister(s) Alyssa Walking Bear - Starfleet - 44 years old (Import from another Universe)
Julia Yamaguchi - Starfleet - 42 years old
Samantha Walking-Bear - Starfleet - 39 years old
Heather Walking-Bear - Starfleet - 37 years old
Jennifer Pravdin - Starfleet - 32 Years old
Odessa Walking-Bear - Starfleet - 27 years old
Kalliope Walking-Bear - Starfleet - 27 years old
Other Family Several Others.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Patricia Walking Bear is a generally cheerful young woman who has much going for her, she is easy to get along with and easy to please however once angered, she becomes unreasonable and argumentative, she does carry her emotions on her sleeve and isn't subtle about things whatsoever on any levels at all. When needed, she has no trouble stepping up to the plate when needed and has an excellent work ethic which means she's mentally flexible.

Patricia is a martial arts master. This is something she takes great pride in as she has earned the status of first dan in two styles. Okinawan Kung-Fu and Japanese Karate. She also has a blue belt in Japanese Judo. Also, it should be noted that Patricia has a truly incredible work ethic, but her people skills are downright pathetic. Patricia is also a full-time mom to two children she's raising alone as her wife is separated from her due to assignments.

When provoked, however, she can lose emotional and mental control in a very explosive fashion. This almost always ends poorly for all concerned.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: Patricia is extremely goal-oriented. Has plans to make work. She also has work to get done as a result of those plans, when she's working. Leave her to it. Her children are a handful.

Weaknesses: she can sometimes lose herself in work. She is also quite easily distracted. Her children are a handful.
Ambitions She wishes to be a good mom to her children, a good spouse to her wife and a good officer for her people. Not all in that order all of the time.
Hobbies & Interests She'll try anything once.

Personal History Patricia Walking Bear was born in 2359 on the world of Alpha Centauri IV. A world rich in water and beaches, she grew up loving to swim in the seas and since the planet was warm from pole to pole, she didn't need to wear a lot either so she grew up wearing very little in terms of clothing.

Walking Bear was always a practical woman as she joined the swim team in high school while she matured from a gawky child to a confidant and extremely good looking young woman. She and her team won two championships while she was in school but she was ultimately a pilot as she joined a flying club where she could hone her skills.

She discovered almost by accident that she had ... talents around eight years old and over time until she developed her skills, she loved it but she also craved more and when she graduated high school. Walking Bear instantly set an application to go to the academy. it was accepted and off she went to Earth where she not only encountered issues with men, she also encountered issues with the cold for the first time too. Much like her sisters who would all face this same problem.

Walking Bear had been raised on a planet that was a good deal warmer then Earth was and it also was closer to its host star, so the sky's were brighter.

Walking Bear went to the Academy in 2377 and she would graduate in 2381, also she would meet a man she would end up getting serious with. But their relationship bloomed fast, almost too fast and within months, issues were appearing and it didn't help that Patricia was pregnant with twins. Tanaka wanted things from her she was not prepared and their relationship fell apart and when he found out she was pregnant, he simply skipped town and disappeared off-world. Walking Bear did have friends who were helping her as was members of her family.

Korenna Cel was a female friend of Walking Bears who simply moved in with her, and helped her hold things together even after the kids were born. The two women ended up getting into a relationship and ended up getting married upon graduation. Patricia kept the twins with her upon graduation.

Walkings Bears assignments were mostly full of the usual stuff while being a single parent made life interesting. Her children would grow up calling Patricia mom and Korenna as mother. At least until Korenna and Patricia were divided by assignments. It would be years before the two women were reunited together.

Patricia was a science generalist, from astrometrics to geology. She had interests in them all and she would grow those interests, her children share in these interests. Emmet for his part would embrace space in its entirety and his sibling would embrace geology. However, in the end, all things must end as Patricia was offered an assignment where she would switch from science to command. She decided to take it while encouraging her children to carry on with their interests in science. In early 2393, she was offered the chance to have her own command and Patricia accepted. Her spouse and children went with her.

Patrica now commands the USS Valorous, a century class ship of the line.
Service Record Starfleet Academy - Earth, SOL
2377 to 2381 - Science Student
Cadet One - Four

USS Flint - Steamrunner Class
2381 to 2384 - Science Officer
Ensign / Lieutenant JG

USS Oakland - Nebula Class
2384 to 2388 - Science Officer / Chief Science Officer
Lieutenant / Lt Commander

USS Juneau - Century Class
2388 to 2391 - Chief Science Officer / Executive Officer
Lt Commander

USS Atlanta - Nebula Class
2391 to 2393 - Commanding Officer

USS Valorous - Century Class
2393 to Present - Commanding Officer

Dates of Promotions and Demotions:
2377 to 2381 - Cadet One - Four
2381 to 2382 - Ensign
2382to 2384 - Lieutenant JG
2384 to 2387 - Lieutenant
2387 to 2391 - Lt Commander
2391 to Present - Commander