
  • 3 Mission Posts

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Tue Mar 16th, 2021 @ 12:48am

Captain Oberon Donos

Name Oberon Donos

Position Commanding Officer

Rank Captain

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human - Colonist
Age 43
Birthdate March 20th, 2350
Birthplace Aerie Peak - Gantris Colony

Physical Appearance

Height 6'1
Weight 210lbs
Hair Color Sandy Blonde
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Oberon Donos is large, physically intimidating and he doesn't smile when he's on duty.


Spouse Lt Commander Jeela Lurae - Security. Starbase Vanguard
Children Gabrielle Donos-Lurae - 16 years old
Syal Donos-Lurae - 15 Years old
Bart Donos-Lurae - 15 Years old
Myn Donos-Lurae - 14 Years old
Father James Donos - Deceased
Mother Beverly Donos - Deceased
Brother(s) Kell Donos
Ulysses Donos
Sister(s) Thea Donos - Starfleet

Amerie Donos - The spouse of Ulysses
Sine Donos - The Spouse of Kell
Other Family There is several other Donos's presents. Thanks to both Ulysses and Kell having families of their own.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Oberon Donos is a dedicated father figure, he is patient and while he can be outgoing, he is also the type who does not smile on duty, thus letting others get the wrong impression of him most of the time. He has multiple outlets for the rage that builds up.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: Oberon is a devoted father figure. He is also devoted to his wife and he misses her presence deeply. While he is a stern authority figure, he is willing to give people space and time to work with, he is not unreasonable and doesn't play game with others.

Weaknesses: His mindset is often on his family. He has no respect for the Admiralty.

Neutral: He is fiercely protective of his people and he will NOT permit arithmetic to decide questions of who lives and who dies.
Ambitions To be the best father he can be to his children, the best husband to his wife and the best skipper for his ship and crew, all in that order.
Hobbies & Interests This is a guy who will try anything once.