Command Master Chief Petty Officer Gunther von Estling

Name Gunther von Estling

Position Command Chief of CRUSON 19

Rank Command Master Chief Petty Officer

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 48
Birthdate May 2nd, 2345

Physical Appearance

Height 188 cm, 6'2"
Weight 90 kg, 198 lbs
Hair Color Black with Silver highlights
Eye Color Green
Physical Description Medium build, but fairly strong. Has a strong German heritage.


Spouse Alice Von Estling - Civilian
Children Egon Von Estling - Civilian
Christel Von Estling - Civilian
Marike Von Estling - Civilian
Father Anton Von Estling - Civilian
Mother Esther Von Estling - Civilian
Brother(s) Erwin Von Estling - Civilian
Sister(s) Laura Von Estling - Civilian
Other Family Yes he has a lot of other family members present, all of them reside on New Bavaria. His homeworld.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Gunther Von Estling is a man of strong german descent. Coming from the Colony of New Bavaria, english is not Gunther's first language. Gunther is typically a calm, no nonsense person, not easily angered and has a fair amount of patience. However he can be quite stern when dealing with subordinates and has high standards of those under his command.

Service Record 2363 - crewman recruit
2364 - 2363 - crewman apprentice
2364 - 2365 - crewman
2365 - 2367 - Petty Officer 3rd class
2367 - 2368 - Crewman
2368 - 2369 - Petty Officer 3rd Class
2369 - 2372 - Petty Officer 2nd class
2372 - 2376 - Petty officer 1st class
2376 - 2383 - Chief Petty Officer
2383 - 2391 - Senior Chief Petty Officer
2391 - present - Master Chief Petty Officer