Captain Peter MacGyver

Name Peter MacGyver

Position 2/105 Squadron Commander

Rank Captain

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human - Colonist
Age 26
Birthdate July 5th, 2367

Physical Appearance

Height 6'2
Weight 145lbs
Hair Color Medium Brown
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Peter MacGyver is tall, well built and very handsome looking. He smiles easily and often.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Bill MacGyver
Mother Debra (Girardo) MacGyver
Brother(s) John MacGyver (Civilian Teacher)
Sister(s) Donna MacGyver (Starfleet Academy Cadet - Medical)
Other Family He has several other family members around, all living on his homeworld of Estuary.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Peter MacGyver is many things, but he is a true professional, he's always first in line for anything so his buddies and friends won't need to worry about it. He's also a major fan with the ladies but he is very working oriented and he's making his career his primary focus of life at present.
Strengths & Weaknesses Flying Ace Pilot, Mental link for emotions with his twin John. Aviation, flight of anything that 'can fly', Evasive Maneuvers.
Ambitions To Captain his own Starship one day.
Hobbies & Interests This is a man who will try anything with anyone.

Personal History 2388-2391: Starfleet Academy.
2391-2393: Helm Officer aboard the USS Shadow
2393 to present - Squadron Commander