Chief Petty Officer Valerie Elsworth
Name Valerie Elsworth
Position Chief of the Boat
Rank Chief Petty Officer
Character Information
Gender | Female | |
Species | Human - Colonist | |
Age | 33 | |
Birthdate | December 21st, 2360 |
Physical Appearance
Height | 5'4 | |
Weight | 120lbs | |
Hair Color | Light Brown | |
Eye Color | Blue | |
Physical Description | Rather short and light for a human, Valerie's position as a counselor wouldn't normally do much for keeping her in shape if it weren't for her slightly unique methodology and frequent use of holodecks. |
Spouse | None | |
Children | None | |
Father | Ryan Davis Elsworth - Musician | |
Mother | Leanne Barnes-Elsworth - Musician | |
Brother(s) | Daniel Elsworth - Musician | |
Sister(s) | None | |
Other Family | Several others. |
Personality & Traits
General Overview | Valerie is a kind spirited person, who tries to go out of her way to make her patients comfortable, and keeps as open a mind as possible when talking to them. | |
Strengths & Weaknesses | Strengths: Valerie is kind, gentle and open minded. Weaknesses: She sometimes has issues with respect to personal boundaries. |
Ambitions | Retire and join the Federation Grand Orchestra | |
Hobbies & Interests | Hobbies & Interests: Ballet Violin Ice Skating Languages: Federation Standard, conversational Bajoran, Cardassian, Romulan, Trill and Vulcan |