Chief Petty Officer Berilyn Suum

Name Berilyn Suum

Position Chief Tactical Actions Officer

Rank Chief Petty Officer

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Trill
Age 32
Birthdate February 11th, 2361

Physical Appearance

Height 5'8
Weight 130lbs
Hair Color Medium Brown
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Berilyn Suum tends to not stick out all that much, she doesn't bother with makeup and at times she doesn't smile much either


Spouse None
Children None
Father Ethios Suum - Civilian
Mother Karion Suum - Civilian
Brother(s) Commander Maros Suum - Chief Operations Officer, Starbase 59
Sister(s) None
Other Family A few Others scattered around

Personality & Traits

General Overview Berilyn Suum is generally a happy woman, she's easy to get along with and eager to please others. She's also pragmatic and is capable of thinking outside of the box.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: She's highly detailed and very pragmatic

Weaknesses: She tends to not tolerate insults or slander very well.
Ambitions To find a mate and raise a family of her own.
Hobbies & Interests This is a woman who will try anything once.

Personal History Born on the Trill homeworld of Trillus Prime in 2359. Berilyn Suum was the younger of two children born to Ethios and Karion Suum, they were scientists and didn't really see much value in Starfleet while their children were growing up.

Berilyn Suum in particular watched as the situation in the Federation began deteriorating around the mid sixties but she was far far too young to do anything about it. So she grew up and watched things develop as best she could.

She decided around 2369 when she was about ten, about the time when the Bajoran wormhole was discovered, seeing as it set her imagination on fire she decided to become a scientist but years later she changed her mind when she saw the Dominion pour out of the wormhole like a plague. First it was the Borg and now the Dominion. Who knew what else was out there so Berilyn Suum applied herself but she would not come of age to join Starfleet until two years after the end of the Dominion War. He brother enlisted during the war and he got to fight the Dominion and their hordes of artificially created solders.

In 2378 she applied and joined Starfleet, preferring to enlist as she wanted to be in the field as soon as possible rather then wait another four years doing classroom work.

She went off to basic training while she found deeply enlightening, she learned a great deal in a short space of time before graduating with a great deal of respect. She was offered assignment on a half dozen ships and bases so she selected assignment on the USS F. Scott Fitzgerald, commanded by Captain Gaius Reyth. She served with this crew for eight years, getting promoted several times and distinguishing herself several other times.

The crew of the Fitzgerald didn't have an opening for a senior enlisted in tactical so she went over to the USS Hercules who did have an opening for her, this assignment was ore of the same that had happened previously on the Fitzgerald.

in 2389 she was offered the chance to become Chief of her own department on the USS Mustin, a small Merin class destroyer and so she accepted, bidding goodbye to her friends and comrades on the Hercules, she went off to the smaller ship.

Two years later after the military reorganization act, she was reassigned from the Mustin to the USS Comet. A larger Akira class starship and as this suited her fine, she went across tot he larger assignment without protest.
Service Record Starfleet Boot Camp - Trillus Prime - 54 URSAE
June to September 2378 - Tactical Student
Cadet Recruit

USS F. Scott Fitzgerald - Galaxy Class Dreadnought
2378 to 2385 - Tactical Enlisted
Crewman Recruit / Petty Officer 2nd Class

USS Hercules - Galaxy Class Dreadnought
2385 to 2389 - Tactical Enlisted
Petty Officer 2nd Class / Chief Petty Officer

USS Mustin - Merin Class
2389 to 2391 - Chief Tactical Officer
Chief Petty Officer

USS Comet - Akira Class
2391 to Present Day - Chief Tactical Officer
Chief Petty Officer

Dates of Promotions and Demotions:
June to September 2378 - Cadet Recruit
September 2378 to February 2379 - Crewman Recruit
February 2379 to September 2379 - Crewman Apprentice
2379 to 2380 - Crewman
2380 to 2383 - Petty Officer 3rd Class
2383 to 2386 - Petty Officer 2nd Class
2386 to 2388 - Petty Officer 1st Class
2388 to Present - Chief Petty Officer