Staff Sergeant Vincent Barvon

Name Vincent Barvon

Position 2/37th Platoon Sergeant

Rank Staff Sergeant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 32
Birthdate December 15th, 2361

Physical Appearance

Height 5'12
Weight 130lbs
Hair Color Dark Brown
Eye Color Red
Physical Description Vincent Barvon doesn't really stand out in any way, other than the permanent frown on his face.


Spouse None
Children None
Other Family None

Personality & Traits

General Overview Vincent Barvon is very Anti-Starfleet at this point, he plain and simply does not want to be here except he was promoted so he's trying to get himself kicked out simply because he never wanted to be in space in the first place.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: In regards to his weapons, be it hand held or starship, he never misses.

Weaknesses: He hates space and everything about it.
Ambitions He wants to go home.
Hobbies & Interests None outside of work.

Personal History Personality: Harsh
Good evil catagory: Wouldnt hurt a fly
orgization level: Occassinaly picks up the underwear off the floor
Work Ethic (in current job): Takes one too many smoke breaks
Skillset (in current job): Normal
People skills: I hate all people
Intelligence level: garden variety idiot