
Name Korg

Position Klingon Military Personnel

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Klingon
Age 72
Birthdate November 30th, 2321

Physical Appearance

Height 6'3
Weight 180
Hair Color Grey
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Tall and gaunt looking. Korg has a long grey beard. He has a scar on the right side of his face. His left arm is a mechanical prosthetic. His right leg is also a mechanical prosthetic and Korg walks slowly with a limp.


Spouse Mola'n (deceased)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Korg is a strict disciplinarian with a gravely voice. Even though he is old he is still very tough. He is also very skilled and knowledgeable.
Strengths & Weaknesses Very knowledgeable and good organizer.
Ambitions To seek death in battle.

Personal History Korg was born on Qo'nos in a poor and rural area. Korg decided to join the KDF instead of scratching out a farm. He was taken on as a deckhand on a D-10.
Service Record 2336 Enlisted in the Klingon Defense Force as a Deckhand.