Lieutenant Craig Kyler

Name Craig Kyler

Position Chief Security Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human - Colonist
Age 29
Birthdate August 18th, 2363

Physical Appearance

Height 5'11
Weight 140lbs
Hair Color Chestnut Brown
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Craig Kyler is the average human, he does not stand out in any special way.


Spouse None
Children None
Father James Kyler
Mother Megan Kyler
Brother(s) Gavin Kyler
Dennis Kyler
David Kyler
Sister(s) None
Other Family Several others floating about.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Craig Kyler is laid back and generally easy going until someone brings up his family, they are all snobs as they are chasing as much rank as humanly possible for as long as they can. He however doesn't care for it.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: He is easy to get along with

Weaknesses: he has no leadership skills and does not aspire to command like others in his family who are much senior in rank then he is.
Ambitions He wants to escape his family, he doesn't get along with them as he's the average guy in a house of geniuses.
Hobbies & Interests This is a guy who really doesn't care about life in general.

Personal History Name: Craig Kyler
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Personality: Very nice
Good evil catagory: Perfect Snowflake
orgization level: Normal
Work Ethic (in current job): Skips a day or two
Skillset (in current job): Looks horrible but works
People skills: Social Butterfly
Intelligence level: A bit slow
Looks scale: You wouldn't wanna poke him with a 10 foot pole