Grand Admiral Major "The Peerless" Spence

Name Major "The Peerless" Spence

Position Fourth - Major

Rank Grand Admiral

Character Information

Gender Male
Species German Shepherd
Age 12

Physical Appearance

Height 62cm
Weight 35kg
Hair Color Blackm, brown and tan
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Major looks like the average German Shepard. He has medium hair.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Edward Spence - Civilian
Mother Bernadette Spence - Civilian Nurse
Brother(s) Martin Spence - Civilian Cook
Paul Spence - Civilian Cargo Hauler
Sister(s) Nicola Spence - Civilian Daycare worker
Jessie - Calico Cat
Clovis - North American Shorthair Cat
Bear - North American Shorthair Cat
Nova - Pit Bull Dog
Keely - Australian Cattle Dog
Other Family None

Personality & Traits

General Overview Major is a gentle and peaceful dog.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: Protective of the family.

Weaknesses: He has allergies
Ambitions To have dinner, to keep the peace
Hobbies & Interests Hanging out with Dad, long walks in the dog park and no noise or drama of any kind.

Personal History Major led a good life. He faced life with an indomitable spirit that was impressive to behold.
In life, he was a beacon of hope, faith, and courage and in passing. He leaves behind a gaping void that can never be truly filled.

Major was special, his temperament was peerless, he never bared his teeth or showed any form of aggression in his entire life, but that did not mean he suffered fools gladly. When he was young, he fell through the ice and ended in the river. Paul risked his own life to save Majors.

Major was close to all of my family, but he was closest to my father and to myself. He faced life with a curiosity and a passion that for me, is hard to write down as I don't know how to tell it.

I recall the first day I met him, an eight-week-old puppy who had just been weaned from his mother, he came home just after a summer thunderstorm had hit Calgary. He bounded through the door, curious and fascinated with his new residence, it was here he would call home and my family became his family.

Major lived a good life. Comfortable with all the love and attention he could ever want on demand, he was fed twice a day, walked once a day for an hour, he faced each and every challenge with a boundless passion for life. When he faced his first brush with death, it didn't stop him, he faced his second brush with courage and perseverance that bordered on the insane level. A porcupine had spiked him across the face with its quills but that didn't stop Major in the slightest.

Things started changing about his tenth birthday, when he started to show his age, he was slowing down and things became hurdles before they became impassable barriers. Aged weakened him because time betrayed him. The littlest things soon became impossible challenges, just getting up became impossible.

There was a time when I couldn't get him to be quiet, now I can't get him to talk.
There was a time when I couldn't get him to sit still, now I can't get him to stand up.
There was a time, I couldn't stand to be in the same room with him, now I can't stand to be without him

In the end, however, his body failed him, then it outright betrayed him. However, I feel enriched and honored to have known Major for the time we had with him. He had a quiet stubborn nobility, a sign of courage that for most, is hard to understand, but what's more was that Major had the courage of his convictions.

While to most, Major was just a family pet, he was part of my family, he was part of my kin and his spot at the dinner table will never be filled, as he can never be replaced.

Major was peerless, without question, he was the best and he will always remain so.

That is how I will speak of him if anyone ever asks me of him.
Service Record TOD: March 5th, 2018

None. His service was to his family. He was a Service Dog, a companion, a family member and a friend.

"You left a memory so bright, it'll shine forever. Rest well, my friend. You'll be missed."
"I only hope that when it's my time to die, that I face it with half the courage I saw in your eyes, on that last day, my brave friend. I'll miss you."

Martin Spence.