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Mon Mar 2nd, 2020 @ 11:54pm

Post Captain Elizabeth Woodville

Name Elizabeth Woodville

Position Second Officer

Rank Post Captain

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human/Bajoran
Age 32
Birthdate December 20th, 2361

Physical Appearance

Height 5'7
Weight 135lbs
Hair Color Sandy Blonde
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Elizabeth Woodville doesn't really stand out in terms of physical attraction. More its her mind, her intelligence and intellect is where she really stands out


Spouse Captain Edward Stanley - Commanding Officer - USS Norfolk
Children Edward Woodville
Henry Woodville.
Elziabeth Woodville Jr
Father Michael Woodville - Civilian Politician
Mother Helen Woodville - Civilian Artist
Brother(s) Marcus Woodville
James Woodville
Sister(s) None
Other Family Many others over the centuries.

Elizabeth Woodville - Queen of England - Ancestor.
Edward the Fourth of England - Ancestor.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Elizabeth Woodville prefers to be laid back but she knows her family history is rather unique in the effect that she could trace it back almost a thousand years.

She has become an expert on English history as a result.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: Elizabeth is generally laid back and easy to get along with.

Weaknesses: She can become distracted at times.
Ambitions To become an Admiral.
Hobbies & Interests She'll try anything once.

Personal History Elizabeth Woodville was born in 2359, she grew up as a happy child among her brothers who were both older then she was. She was the baby of the family.

The Woodville family relocated a year or so after Elizabeth was born, from Earth to Vega Colony, the air here was heavier and the planet was generally hotter then Earth but she found that she prefered life here on Vega then she would have back on Earth.

Elizabeth watched as the various events of the late sixties and early seventies culminated in the Dominion War where various family members went off to fight for the Federation.

A year after the Dominion war ended, she was able to join Starfleet so she applied to the academy and was accepted into 2377's fall intake at the academy on Earth, a world she felt was far too cold for her tastes.

Her time at the academy was relatively uneventful, she graduated 120th of a class of some five hundred students and she was posted to the USS Anderson, an older Excelsior Class ship on its last tour before she was to be decommissioned and scrapped.

Woodville found herself being promoted and transferred to a new assignment, a ship fresh off the assembly lines, the USS Into the Breach, A Pathfinder Class starship. She was sent here as one of their junior tactical officers.

Woodville found her service here to be very educational as she got to expand her career track, it was here that she got to consider command as a career for the first time.

Her next assignment was the USS Say my Name where she got to expand her command experience with a hard time in the center seat so when the offer to become the Exec for the USS Rowling came up in late 2388, she leaped at the opportunity.

In 2391 while the USS Rowling went in for refitting, she was offered the chance to become Chief of Staff on Watchman station, she accepted and left the Rowling behind.

Woodville remained here for the better part of a year before she was reassigned to become the Second officer on the USS Valhalla, a truly monstrous ship that was the first of her kind.
Service Record Starfleet Academy - Earth, SOL
2377 to 2381 - Tactical Student
Cadet One / Four

USS Anderson - Excelsior Class
2381 to 2382 - Tactical
Ensign / Lieutenant JG

USS Into the Breath - Pathfinder II Class
2382 to 2386 - Tactical / Command
Lieutenant JG / Lieutenant

USS Say my Name - Sovereign Class
2386 to 2389 - Tactical / Command
Lt Commander / Commander

USS Rowling - Akira Class
2388 to 2391 - Command

Watchman Station - Celestial Class
2391 to 2392 - Chief of Staff

USS Valhalla - Valhalla Class
2392 to Present - Second Officer

Dates of Promotions and Demotions:
2377 to 2381 - Cadet One / Four
2381 to 2382 - Ensign
2382 to 2384 - Lieutenant JG
2384 to 2386 - Lieutenant
2386 to 2389 - Lt Commander
2389 to 2392 - Commander
2392 to Present - Captain