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Tue Mar 17th, 2020 @ 2:41am

1st Lieutenant McElroy Sternwald

Name McElroy Sternwald III

Position Enemies

Rank 1st Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 23
Birthdate November 1st, 2370

Physical Appearance

Height 6'0
Weight 230
Hair Color Blonde
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Sternwald is built solidly. He spends time working out and even more time admiring his own body. He keeps a fresh hair cut to look good and spends time throughout the day touching it up. He is clean shave as he doesn't want whiskers detracting from his good looking face.


Father Hoyer Sternwald (Under Secretary at UFP)
Mother Therza Sternwald
Other Family Camala Sternwald, Aunt (Under Secretary at UFP)
McElroy Sternwald II, Uncle (General, Marines)

Personality & Traits

General Overview McElroy is a lazy bully. He comes from a powerful and old Philadelphia WASP family. He thinks he is entitled to anything he wants and his family has given him every thing he wanted. He is conceded and a narcissist. The few times he doesn't get his way he becomes belligerent and abusive.
Strengths & Weaknesses He has a rather high opinion of himself and knows how to make himself look good in front of others.

He doesn't bother to put in the hard work needed to get things done and pushes off his work on others. He holds grudges and is vindictive.
Ambitions Sternwald, like much of his family, enjoys power. He especially enjoys holding his power over others. He is using his time in Star Fleet to help create a career later in the Federation bureaucracy.
Hobbies & Interests Sternwald enjoys drinking and smoking fine cigars. He plays polo, golf, and tennis. He also enjoys women and never takes no for an answer, literally.

Personal History Sternwald was born into a powerful Philadelphia family. He went to all the best private schools and was denied nothing. In school he was an athlete and was popular. He also raped a number of girls. The girls were quietly pushed out of school and had their academic careers destroyed before they could make trouble for him.

After his schooling he petitioned to join Star Fleet. His lawyers claimed the education he received was superior to that of Star Fleet Academy. Oddly, Star Fleet agreed with this and gave him a commission.