Commodore Thomas Riker

Name Thomas Riker

Position Commanding Officer

Rank Commodore

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 58
Birthdate April 15th, 2335
Birthplace Valdez - Alaska. Earth, SOL

Physical Appearance

Height 6'2
Weight 180lbs
Hair Color Black with streaks of Gray
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Tom Riker is tall and large, he's also in excellent shape for a man of his years, he has a broad and somewhat muscular built but he smiles easily and often to compensate for his perceived aggressiveness.


Spouse Captain Shwren Sh'ann'Weri - Chief Security Officer, USS Valhalla
Children Natural Born Children:
Kalita Riker
Jacob Riker
Anthony Riker

Shendas Zh'ann'Weri - Andorian Zhen
Ayala Th'ann'Weri - Andorian Thaan
Father Kyle Riker - Deceased
Mother Annie Riker - Deceased
Brother(s) Division Admiral William T. Riker
Sister(s) Captain Deanna Troi - Sister in Law.
Other Family Natasha-Miana Riker-Troi - Niece

Commander Jenna Reston - Mother to his children - She was serving as a surrogate for his Andorian spouse.
She would carry three children to term for him. It would give her time to work out some issues between Jenna and her own spouse.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Tom Riker is a man who has the mental mindset of his twin, Will Riker but this man has been through several periods of abandonment, both accidental and deliberate. He also has had to learn to think on his feet and he doesn't have the strongest respect for the rules. He also doesn't think too highly of Starfleet as a whole.

He does, however, think highly of his twin. William and his spouse. Wren as both have tried several times to assist him with his issues and problems.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: Tom Riker is laid back and pragmatic, he's also deeply thoughtful and strives to do the best he can for his fellow-ship Captains.
He's also a family man and loves spending time with his children.

Weaknesses: He has some old ghosts. He is working on these.
Ambitions To build and develop Destroyer and Frigate tactics for the main battle fleet, he sees them as lacking.

To be a good father to his children and a good spouse to his mate. Wren.
Hobbies & Interests This is a man with a wide range of interests and hobbies. he will spend time indulging his mate and their children's hobbies or he'll work on his own hobbies.

Personal History Thomas Riker, or Tom, as his Maquis and later Starfleet comrades would later call him, was an exact duplicate of William T. Riker, who was created following a transporter accident in 2361. As time progressed from the point of the accident, the two Rikers developed different personalities based on their differing life experiences.

As Tom Riker was for all intents and purposes an exact double of William Riker, they share an identical history prior to the Nervala IV mission. However, Tom split off from Will at a younger and more impulsive age and lacked Will's extra years of experience and maturity. Tom also remained in love with Deanna Troi and comforted himself in exile with thoughts of her. Hence their personalities diverged markedly.

Nervala IV: In 2361, the USS Potemkin was ordered to evacuate a Federation research base located on Nervala IV. The planet was notorious for its atmospheric distortion field which prevented the use of transporters or shuttlecraft, except for brief periods every eight years. Upon arrival in orbit, Lieutenant Riker was ordered to lead the evacuation teams down to the surface and ensure that all personnel was evacuated.

Once all of the personnel had been beamed aboard the Potemkin, Riker requested to be transported aboard. However, difficulties with the transport led to the operator creating a second annular confinement beam, and with the intention of merging the beams once Riker was safely stored in the pattern buffer. But due to the unusual atmospheric distortions, only one beam reached the Potemkin, while the other rebounded to the planet's surface and, unknown to the Potemkin's crew, created a second Riker.

Riker lived alone on Nervala for eight years, believing that one day he would be rescued, not knowing that another Riker was carrying on his life. He was eventually discovered in 2369 when the USS Enterprise-D arrived to check on the research base. Leading the Enterprise away team was Will Riker, and despite some problems between the two Rikers, they worked together to ensure that the Enterprise was able to download the base's computer files.

Following his rescue from Nervala IV, Riker took the middle name of Thomas and made that his first name. With assistance from Captain Jean-Luc Picard, Tom decided to continue his Starfleet career and was offered a position aboard the USS Gandhi, under the command of Captain Azon Lexen.

The Maquis: As Riker's time aboard the Gandhi progressed, he continually butted heads with Commander Emma Crandall and started to show some sympathy towards the Maquis. The increasing sympathy concerned both Captain Lexen and Commander Crandall, and Riker requested to be removed from the command track in order to pursue a new career in medicine. Due to his skills as a pilot, he was made a medical courier. Part of this was because he was tired of constantly locking horns with the ships Exec and he wanted to try and stand out from William, his twin.

In 2371, the Gandhi was assigned to patrol the Demilitarized Zone and Lexen ordered that Riker take a shuttlecraft and proceed to Outpost Sierra III so that medical supplies could be brought aboard ship. On the return trip to the Gandhi, Riker was intercepted by the Maquis and taken to Helena, a planet made up of differing cultures, which was experiencing a plague similar to the one that had struck Archaria III and Bajor. Torn between his duty to Starfleet and sympathies with the Maquis, he decided to join the Maquis and used the medical supplies to help treat the citizens of Helena.

Several months later, Riker traveled to Deep Space 9 and posed as Commander Riker as a ploy to capture the USS Defiant. After managing to get a guided tour of the Defiant by Major Kira Nerys, Riker arranged an apparent build-up to a warp core breach which would allow them to take the Defiant out.

After collecting some Maquis crewmembers, Riker took the Defiant into Cardassian space and headed for the Orias system where he had heard rumors that the Cardassians were massing a large fleet. Despite entering the system, the Defiant was forced to withdraw when faced with a large fleet of Keldon-class warships. Unfortunately, these warships were not under the control of Central Command, but the Obsidian Order.

Thankfully, Commander Benjamin Sisko and Gul Skrain Dukat were able to engineer an agreement that would return the Defiant, Major Kira and the Maquis crewmembers to the Federation, while Riker would remain a prisoner of the Cardassians, with the sensor data from the Orias system being handed over to Dukat.

The sensor recordings, however, were not worth much but they did lead to a dispute arising between the central command and the obsidian order. This only helped lead to the order's downfall less than a year later.

Captivity: After a brief show trial on Cardassia Prime, Riker was able to escape the death penalty but was sentenced to life imprisonment in the labor camp on Lazon II.

Sometime later, he was returned to Cardassia Prime, where he underwent numerous tests and experiments designed to uncover the secret of his creation. On stardate 48979.1, Starfleet Command sent Captain Sisko to negotiate for his release, offering Delkar VII in exchange. The Detapa Council refused to release Riker, in the hopes of creating an army of transporter duplicates. However, Doctor Duran Nol, Cardassia's leading geneticist, did not want to see such technology used to make war. She convinced the Council that Riker was not created through transporter duplication, but was rather "pulled in" from a parallel universe. The Council ceased support for the project, and Riker was returned to the labor camps. As a parting gift, Captain Sisko gave him a non-functional combadge, to remind him of where he came from, and that someday he would return.

Life on Lazon II was brutal for all imprisoned there, and the main work was the mining of deutronium ore. Fortunately, Riker was able to befriend a Romulan prisoner, by the name of Saket. He even shared his reasons for his past actions with Saket; since Will's life had shown Thomas what he would become if he had a successful Starfleet career, he decided to see how things would progress for himself if he chose a different path from his counterpart.

Over the course of the next three years. Tom Riker was able to organize the prisoners into an army, determined to win their freedom at any cost, the rabble rose up and destroyed the Cardassian base on Lazon Two. On the way out they stole two Cardassian ships, one of them was a Galor and the second a Hideki. While on the way out. Tom and his troops were able to recover some very valuable information for the Federation including the location of the main ketracel white storage depot in the Alpha Quadrant, the second was the location of three large sensor arrays that were giving the Federation a great deal of trouble.

Once in Federation space. Tom Riker surrendered his ships and his prisoners to the crew of the first Starfleet ship he found. The ship was the USS Courageous, commanded by an old friend of his. Captain Kameron Diego.

Tom found that Diego, a man who had met at the academy when he was still William Riker had matured from being the class clown to a capable, mature and confident leader of his peers. Also, it was after a minor misunderstanding between Riker and Jake Yamaguchi and the resolution of the vent in question, did Tom realize that not everyone in Starfleet was the closed-minded asshole that he and dealt with previously.

Tom Riker and his liberated personnel were all transported to Starbase 211 which the Cardassians had attacked three times up to this point but they never were able to capture the system. Riker was offered a posting here after he spent several weeks undergoing checks and medical exams, in order to see if he could return to the colors. The offer from Deigo and Yamaguchi was both legitimate and honest. Yamaguchi even went so far as to say. "We need guys like you, real leaders who've been tried and tested. Not soft pretty boys who don't know what they're doing."

Tom was assigned to Starbase 211 to assist with Starfleet Intelligence's efforts regarding the war efforts against the Dominion, he was debriefed and he shared with the Federation the information he obtained, this lead to a series of missions that negated many of the early Dominion's advantages over the Federation and her allies.

In gratitude for his efforts on their behalf. Starfleet dismissed all of the charges they held against him and they also promoted him from Lieutenant to Lt Commander, they also gave him a choice of assignments, one of them was a command of a new Defiant-class ship. Tom felt the Defiant was best suited to him as he found that he prefered commanding smaller ships rather than the cruisers that his brother prefered.

Tom Riker relished his assignment here and he maintained command of the USS Kraken for years afterwards, working his way up to commanding a battlegroup of a dozen Defiant-class ships, he also had attachments that came and went while he ran various operations while serving in Cardassian space as part of the occupying forces. Over time, Tom Riker began to lose his anger and hatred for the various issues plaguing his life and one of the last was a conversation he had with his brother in which the two men buried the hatchet between them once and for all. Tom was then able to go and make peace with his father. Tom was expecting trouble but he needn't have bothered as William and Kyle had made their peace years earlier.

Once Kyle learned he had a second son and thus the name of Riker wasn't limited to one son, he was overjoyed and welcomed Tom with open arms, his story of transporter duplicates and security failures didn't bother his father in the least, the two men joked that maybe they should have had a third annular confinement beam that day on the Potemkin, ultimately the meeting went well and father and sons resolved their issues once and for all.

Once Tom Riker secured peace within his family. He was able to secure his career as well, by being in Starfleet but choosing a different career path than his brother. Once Tom was secure in himself and his responsibilities, he entered into a relationship with a Human woman who didn't wish to enter into a serious relationship as she wanted to further her career. Lt Commander Jenna Restin went so far as to allow Tom Riker the chance to be with other women if he so chose. Tom wasn't sure about the relationship and in the end, he was proven right as their relationship ended after five years but she remained close to him for the sake of their three children, two of which were named by Tom himself. However, over time they drifted apart due to her issues with her existing spouse.

Tom Riker didn't let the situation bother him as he was reunited with an Andorian shen he once served with while assigned to the USS Gandhi. She was the ships Chief Security and Tactical Officer at the time and now she had two adopted children in tow, she and Tom were able to make their relationship work this time and their five children became acquainted with each other, while she was assigned to the Starbase as Chief of Security.

Today Tom is based out of Starbase Vanguard as commander of one of the Destroyer Wings assigned to the Ninety-second fleet. His command is also nicknamed the Kraken Battlegroup, assigned to patrol the sector and the area around 'home plate' as Riker nicknamed the Starbase in passing to one of his senior Captains. He's also developing tactics and working out the procedures for his fellow destroyer and frigate Captains, something he feels is poorly lacking in this man's fleet and he aims to do something about it.
Service Record Starfleet Academy - Earth, SOL
Tactical / Conn Student
2353 to 2357

UISS Pegasus - Oberth Class
2357 to 2358 - Conn Officer
Ensign / Lieutenant JG

USS Yorktown - Excelsior Class
2358 to 2359 - Conn Officer
Lieutenant JG

USS Fortuna - Miranda Class
2359 to 2360 - Operations Officer

USS Yorktown - Excelsior Class
2360 to 2361 - Chief Operations Officer

Planetary Outpost - Nervala IV
Stranded - 2361 to 2369

USS Gandhi - Ambassador Class
Chief Operations Officer / Medical Courier
2369 to 2371

Defected to the Maquis
2371 to 2371 - Member of the Maquis
No Rank

Cardassian Prisoner - Lagon II
2371 to 2374 - Prisoner
No Rank

Recovered by Starfleet - Khitomer
2374 - Detainee
No Rank / Lieutenant

Starbase 211 - Ournal II Class
2374 to 2363 - Intelligence Officer / Chief Intelligence Officer / Commanding Officer, Starbase 211 Defense Squadron
Lieutenant / Lt Commander

USS Kraken - Defiant Class
2375 to 2379 - Commanding Officer
Lt Commander / Commander

USS Kracken - Defiant Class
2379 to 2383 - Commanding Officer
XO - Battlegroup Kracken

USS Kracken - Defiant Class
2383 to 2389 - Commanding Officer
CO - Battlegroup Kracken
Captain / Fleet Captain

Starbase 211 - Ournal III Class
2389 to 2393 - Commanding Officer, Starbase 211 Defense Squadron
CO - Battlegroup Kracken
Fleet Captain / Commodore

92nd Fleet - Destroyer Wing Eight
2393 to Present - Commanding Officer, USS Kraken - Lafeyette Class
CO - Destroyer Squadron Sixteen - The Krakens

Dates of Promotions and Demotions:
First Starfleet Career:
2353 to 2357 - Cadet One / Four
2357 to 2358 - Ensign
2358 to 2359 - Lieutenant JG
2359 to 2370 - Lieutenant (Accounting for Eight-year time skip)

Second Starfleet Career:
2374 to 2374 - Lieutenant
2374 to 2378 - Lt Commander
2378 to 2382 - Commander
2382 to 2386 - Captain
2386 to 2392 - Fleet Captain
2392 to Present - Commodore