Division General Holly 'Oppie' Montgomery

Name Holly 'Oppie' Montgomery

Position Group Commander

Rank Division General

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human / Vulcan
Age 45
Birthdate September 12th, 2348

Physical Appearance

Height 5'6
Weight 120lbs
Hair Color Medium Brown with streaks of silver.
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Holly Montgomery is extremely good looking, she smiles easily and often as she favors the human side of her rather than the Vulcan side.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Captain David Montgomery - Commanding Officer, USS Eagle Claw
Mother T'Leen of Vulcan.
Brother(s) Stephen Montgomery
Surak Montgomery
James Montgomery
Sister(s) None
Other Family Several others floating around on both sides of the divide.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Holly Montgomery is generally laid back and easy to get along with, she's also a bit too much of the party girl type as she gets out and gets laid a little too much. She makes friends easily, however.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: She is easy to get to know and get along with. She is eager to please her superiors

Weaknesses: she's not got the greatest work ethic and takes a few too many smoke breaks as the saying goes.
Ambitions To be the best she can in her present assignment.
Hobbies & Interests This is a girl who will try anything once. Including sex with anyone or multiple people.

Personal History Name: Holly Montgommery
Species: Human / Vulcan
Gender: Female
Personality: Sickeningly Sweet
Good evil catagory: Has some demons
orgization level: "Organization" - whats that
Work Ethic (in current job): Skips a day or two
Skillset (in current job): Normal
People skills: Makes lots of friends
Intelligence level: Super Wizard Genius