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Sat Mar 7th, 2020 @ 1:31am

Lieutenant Commander Jennifer Dale

Name Jennifer Dale

Position Executive Officer

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Gender Female
Species 1/2 Betazoid, 1/4 Human, 1/4 Vulcan
Age 31
Birthdate April 7th, 2362

Physical Appearance

Height 5'7
Weight 141lbs
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Jennifer is an attractive, well-proportioned brunette. She likes to dress in classic styles and always looks neat, even when wearing jeans (her favorite off-duty outfit).

Jennifer is cheerful and loves to laugh. She is a good listener and a good friend. She tries to be fair and to choose what she feels is the best course of action for any venture.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Aron Dale
Mother M'lina Dale
Brother(s) Jeriah Dale
Benjamin Dale
Liam Dale
Sister(s) None
Other Family Several others.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Jennifer is cheerful and loves to laugh. She is a good listener and a good friend. She tries to be fair and to choose what she feels is the best course of action for any venture.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:
Competent, intelligent, compassionate, cheerful. Jennifer reads voraciously and usually has a book nearby. She is well-versed in history and loves to learn about other cultures.

Takes what she feels is the best choice – which sometimes goes against what is prudent or ‘politically correct.’ She loves chocolate. Can get too involved in her work and forget to eat.
Ambitions Jennifer wants to learn and to travel. She would like to meet a man who can share that with, but until she does, she wants to make the most of the opportunities she has.

One day, she would like to rise to the position of Executive Officer.
Hobbies & Interests Reading, music (classical Earth music, 20th Century rock, Big Band/swing and Broadway musicals). Dancing (ballroom), tai chi, swimming, puzzles and games. Camping, hiking, rock and mountain climbing, white water rafting and caving.

Languages: Standard, Betazoid, Vulcan, Romulan, Ferengi, Bajoran, Spanish

Personal History Jennifer was born on Betazed but moved within a year to Vulcan, where her mother made sure she was taught to be Vulcan. That lasted for 8 years, when they moved to Earth and Jennifer, who had always struggled with controlling her emotions, began to play with human children. Her family settled in Utah, a short shuttle ride from California.

She is a bit of a tomboy, having three older brothers. She learned to rappel, hike, spelunk and shoot to be like her brothers. She enjoyed it a lot, and found that she had morefun hanging out with the boys than the girls. Her brothers became her best friends and she spent a lot of time in the mountains with them. She has been trained in outdoor survival, search and rescue and tracking.

Her mother is a half-Vulcan/ half-Human professor of computer science. She taught at the Vulcan Science Academy and now teaches at Stanford on Earth. Her father is Betazoid and was an ambassador for Betazed and is now a diplomat for the Federation.

She excelled at school and graduated at a young age. By the time she was 20 she had a Master’s Degree in history, archaeology and computers. She then went on to get a PhD in history and archaeology. For fun, she added Bachelor's degrees in literature and anthropology.

Jennifer taught history at Oxford while she got her PhDs, but decided that she wanted to join Starfleet and explore. Because she already had several degrees, they let her take accelerated courses and test out of a number of her classes. She also taught basic science classes at the Academy. After she graduated, she was asked to stay at the Academy for a few years as a teacher. She left after a few years to take a position as an assistant chief science officer. As much as she loved teaching, Jen wanted to explore "strange new worlds and new civilizations.' Especially if they were ancient ones.
Service Record Starfleet Academy - Earth SOL
2379 to 2383 - Operations Student
Cadet One - Four

Cambridge - Earth SOL
2383-2388 - Professor
Ensign / Lieutenant

Starfleet Academy - Earth SOL
2388 to 2391 - Professor

USS Vindictive - Hestia Class
2391 to 2392 - Chief Operations Officer

Dates of Promotions and Demotions:
2379 to 2383 - Cadet One - Four
2383 to 2385 - Ensign
2385 to 2387 - Lieutenant JG
2387 to 2391 - Lieutenant
2391 to Present - Lt Commander