Lieutenant Commander James Ashton

Name James Ashton

Position Executive Officer

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human - Colonist
Age 32
Birthdate July 12th, 2361

Physical Appearance

Height 5'11
Weight 180lbs
Hair Color Sandy Blonde
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description James Ashton is a regular human male. He's a little larger and bulkier then most as he works out a lot in the gym.


Spouse T'Serra Ashton - Medical Officer, Starbase 12
Children Michael Ashton
Surek Ashton
T'Lerian Aston
Father Mark Ashton - Civilian Engineer
Mother Heidi Ashton - Civilian Engineer
Brother(s) Lieutenant Robert Ashton - Engineer, Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards. Mars, SOL
Sister(s) Marie Ashton - Civilian Engineer, Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards. Mars, SOL
Heather Ashton - Civilian Engineer, Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards. Mars, SOL
Other Family A couple of aunts and uncles around

Personality & Traits

General Overview James Ashton is relatively laid back and easy to get along with, he smiles easily and often but he doesn't stand out in any real way. This is something he encourages.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: James is the inspirational type of leader but he is lacking in experience.

Weaknesses: He is lacking in experience.
Ambitions To gain his own command.
Hobbies & Interests This is a guy who will try anything once.

Personal History Born in 2359 on Mars. James Ashton grew up hearing stories of the first Martian settlers while his parents were working up in the orbital shipyards overhead, James and his siblings grew up here as happy children, much loved as they all wanted to join Starfleet to work on those fine looking ships that they loved so much.

He went off to Princeton University rather than go into Starfleet as his family expected as he decided to spend four years working on four masters degrees in various Engineering sciences. After he was finished at age twenty-three, he went off into Starfleet via way of an ROTC program so he could skip the academy and still gain a commission.

He spent the first several years of his career as an Engineer on Starbase Nineteen, an assignment he requested as he figured that since he did not go through the academy, that most wouldn't want him and while he was correct, he figured the best way to cut his teeth was to show that he could handle the job. The times were changing and a lot of the new and younger students were going to college and then ROTC rather than the academy so what was a mainstream system was starting to become marginalized in favor of civilian-run institutions.

Starfleet also found they got many many more students and would be enlisted and officers this way. James for his part showcased his skills and when Starfleet wanted someone who could help with the new Guardian Class starship and its lead ship, they came straight to James as he had proven himself time and time again.

James accepted the posting of Chief Engineer and over the next two years, he helped to shake the ship and class down, improving things and removing things, tweaking systems and tightening the bolts. At the end of this assignment, he was recommended for the Executive Officer slot on the USS Comet, a ship that was much smaller than the Guardian Class.

James accepted the posting and so off he went to his new command.
Service Record Starfleet ROTC Program - Mars, SOL
2382 to 2383 - Starfleet Preparation and Training Program

Starbase Nineteen - Ournal II Class
2383 to 2389 - Engineer
Lieutenant JG / Lt Commander

USS Guardian - Pathfinder III Class
2389 to 2391 - Chief Engineer
Lt Commander

USS Comet - Akira Class
2391 to Present - Executive Officer
Lt Commander

Dates of Promotions and Demotions:
2382 to 2383 - Ensign
2383 to 2385 - Lieutenant JG
2385 to 2389 - Lieutenant
2389 to Present - Lt Commander