Division General M'Rell

Name M'Rell

Position Marine Commanding Officer

Rank Division General

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Caitian
Age 48
Birthdate April 23rd, 2345

Physical Appearance

Height 5'8
Weight 120lbs
Hair Color White and various shades of grey.
Eye Color Medium Blue
Physical Description M'Rell is a Caitian female, with all the good and bad that entails. She is an American Shorthair sub-breed.


Spouse Nope
Children Nope
Father L'Teel - Civilian
Mother M'Kris - Civilian
Brother(s) Six brothers
Sister(s) Sixteen sisters
Other Family Several others, scattered around.

Personality & Traits

General Overview M'Rell is a middle-aged Caitian female, she has no mate or children of her own as she decided to make her career a priority. She can be clumsy at times and tends to drop things from time to time.

She has a gigantic family and as such, she can become lost in the mix.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: Her timekeeping abilities are unparalleled. She is highly skilled at her job, she's an excellent administrator.

Weaknesses: She's a bit of a clutz.
Ambitions To be the best she can be. She loves her job and seeks to ensure her marines behave themselves and come home alive.
Hobbies & Interests This is a Caitian who will try anything once with anyone.