Commodore Alexa Phobos-Hunter

Name Alexa Phobos-Hunter

Position Group Executive Officer

Rank Commodore

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human - Colonist
Age 46
Birthdate July 27th, 2347

Physical Appearance

Height 5'6
Weight 145lbs
Hair Color Grey
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Generally of average size and height. Phobes gets around it by being honest and knowledgeable, she generally wears her hair long in a tangle of curls going down her back


Spouse Ron Hunter - Civilian
Children Jillian Hunter - Starfleet
Julia Hunter - Civilian
Michael Hunter - Civilian
Father James Phobos - Civilian
Mother Karen Phobos - Civilian
Brother(s) Ryan Phobos - Civilian
John Phobos - Civilian
Sister(s) Olivia Phobos - Starfleet
Hatshepsut Phobos - Starfleet
Other Family Alexi Phobos has several other family members around, al living on her homeworld of Ballast.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Alexi Phobos is a generally happy young woman with a lot going for her, generally is easy to please and easy to get along with, she does carry her emotions on her sleeve and isn't subtle about things whatsoever on any levels at all. When needed, she has no trouble stepping up to the plate when needed and has an excellent work ethic which means she's mentally flexible.
Strengths & Weaknesses Phobos is a workaholic and is easily motivated for work, she has no issues working long hours. She's either early or is on time and she also has a rather unique gift, a flawless sense of direction in all three dimensions instead of just one, north.

Has Phobos hatred of Cardassian's, she forgets to eat when she's working.
Ambitions To gain command of her own ship someday
Hobbies & Interests Flight, history of exploration with holodeck program, cooking. paleontology, anything regarding the art of war and reading engineering tech manuals.